Chapter 39 - Heartbeat

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She had decided that for the day, during the whole day -- she would want to spend time for herself. Maybe drink some tea while drinking with a book in front of her. Maybe that will add some knowledge to her brain, or pick up, in discovery, some fantasy books to read along the way as a sort of her treasure finding for the day. And maybe relax her mind and steam off of things.

The other night might have resurfaced some things she didn't want to face. Or stuff she'd kept hidden, or forgotten during her childhood days, as she grew older throughout the years. And last night might have taken a toll on her, and it seems so nerve-wrecking she could only think of just that. She lightly sighed, it might have taken a toll on her body too.

To her brain that wanted an escape, the only thing that she could only think of; now, she only had this, to relax herself and release some unuseful brain cells that may clogged up her way of thinking. And it would seem so, as she seemingly felt too tight to even have breakfast this morning. Cain, gave one glance at her and he already understood.

And she was grateful for that.

She wouldn't want it any other way. Which she figured she would be faced with obliterating questions or stuff that she wouldn't want to answer if it was other people, or strangers that come to visit. Thank goodness Cain didn't have that sort of friends or a relationship with people. She felt kind of bad thinking it out in her mind.

Things she didn't want to, or would regret to say through her mouth. Maybe until she was ready, or until the time comes, to spill it all out. Or even talk about it.

And maybe it had taken a toll, on how relenting she had become, and it was all because of that man. The things he'd done to her.

For the time being, she swore, she would just sit on the wooden chair against her butt, for the whole day, until her body screams, no more. She would just spend the whole day reading books, until duty calls or when Cain ending up wanting to go somewhere.

She wanted to spend time with herself, as of right now, particularly. She had set some tea, made some tea on the teapot and boiled it to the point of making sure that it was not too hot. Relentless and quite drinkable for her to drink and go down her throat.

And she had just set it down on the dark, coffee table. Which seemed too dark of a color and vintaged for her liking. And she had particularly set the day to the hour of 7.00 a.m, which for her, it was hard to wake up to, and had managed to stay together for the schedule, and decided from long before she wanted this day to be special, to be a day to herself and relaxing her own muscleship, and stretching her own muscles, including her brain which she felt had been under a lot of stress lately, and she wanted it to be a relaxing read, before Cain went off and continued off to put her in a situation where things would repeat itself as history, or where her mind would go aimlessly blank, and the additional memories or information unneeded.

As she thought of it. Repeating itself in her mind. She couldn't get it out of it. Yet, she still couldn't get out of the grasp of the man who seemed so infatuated with her. So sworn, so close and yet so endearingly.. jealous. She sighed of a memory of when she talked to the server and how his face contorted in darkness, an utmost jealousy.
And she didn't know at all how to deal with it.

And she wouldn't even want to know of instances where she most definitely would want to rush out in an instant, or slap him in the face as a contradicting method of a distraction.
Gladly, that never happened.

As that never happened before. She hadn't done it. The man had done enough to bring crimson blush to her cheeks. And she wouldn't want to know any other stuff, or incidents that would involuntarily happen to her if she were to face such crucial incidents -- or happenings.

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