Chapter 15 - For just One Night

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"I do not like this dress." She protested.
Almost pounding on his chest like a gorilla wanting to really exchange what was bought. Maybe a simple white or a cream would do. She retracted her thoughts as he seemed purposely bumped into her in the shoulder, as they walked alongside together.

She wanted to do the same, but it ended up as a nudge or a plastered sense of an action. Which she gritted her teeth for.

She didn't know how long they walked, or what they were in for. But she didn't talk much as she enjoyed the air in the moment. And she hated it so much she didn't want to ask why.

The afterparty was a mess. She looked down. Sighing to look back up at the road. Straight ahead looked like blob of lemonpie and she didn't like it one bit. Well, until she got a pleasant smile from a lady passerby who just so happens to carry a basket and a nice-looking makeup. Who just so happens to just want to look at her dress.

"So." The man whose name Ave hasn't recalled in a lifetime said to her. "The car- of a limousine is not too far from here." He stated. Not looking at her but seemingly frowning instead.

"Okay." She replied absentmindedly. She didn't know what to say. After, or what type of speech she would like to blurt out to this man that she just wanted to rip her dress off. Or just come home and sleep in her bed throughout a good night's sleep.

And that reminds her, she hasn't asked about coming home for once. "Say, when do you think I should go home?"

"Why are you asking me that?" He glanced at her for quite a second.

She gave a blank look. "I mean, when should I go home? You obviously take me too look around your country, and you don't have a sense to drive me home..?" She trailed off, feeling hopeless at the man who seemed clueless and unreasonable. For buying her this ridiculous dress. Poisoning her with red wine, which she now quite seemed to like. And she now had quite a taste for vintage things. Like the tiny windmill she saw at the store but didn't bother to ask for it. It would be too much trouble and probably a worth of his money.

"Say.. do you still have that anklet I gave you?" He asked.

"Yes. But I don't have it with me." She replied.

He took a side glance at her.

To which she didn't understand, and frankly got quite annoyed for some unknown reason. To her perspective, he seemed like it was a little bit important. What he gave to her at the ball the other night. Or was it just all a dream. She wondered.

And along as they walked. To which she felt glad for the leg exercise she was getting, he didn't spoke one bit. For some unknown reason, he stopped. Just the crackles of his shoes alongside the chatters that entered her eeardrums. And she was feeling uncomfortable.

The silence was getting to her. And it was killing her healthy conscience and mind.
Adding to being in a dress she just so badly wanted to burn in the fire pit and change into something comfortable and airy. Like a nightdress or a casual outing. And the awkward oxygen had her breathing in irregularities. Not that it was serious, or anything bad. She just wanted to enjoy the breezy, cold surroundings she felt she could only once be in. As she breathed another set of air.

Often times- multiple times- she wanted to run. Not out of fear, just to escape the bees of crowd and the awkwardness she felt with this man. He was kind, yes, but he didn't tell her anything. And now she
felt like a guest who's role was to accompany him like a friend. To which she didn't think that of him one bit. And he seemed to enjoy her company as well, to her relief. As he glanced at her for a moment before returning his gaze to the front.

"Wait." He held onto her arm.
"There's a market upfront, are you sure you want to go this way?" He asked. Seemingly worried with that disturbing glint in his eyes that Averithe saw, and she got affected.

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