Chapter 17 - Menace : Last Dance

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To find another person, an another. A user, a friend, a vessel to stay in.

A wielder. Arselanate. It echoed in her head. Which she didn't know where it came from, or how her mind conjured up the word. 

There could only be one. At at all costs. It is too dangerous to be handed into the wrong hands of the man standing in front of her. And she knew exactly what he wanted.

He sneered at her. "Atlast, my time has come. The power of life, the death, and of time- of immortality."

He seemed to know a lot.

Which she had no idea where he knew that from, or any other stuff he wasn't supposed to know.

She almost didn't want to see his glaring eyes. Or even his gnawing smile.

Her bones ate at her.

She needed to do something. She needed something.

And all the while that she stood, she felt and sensed Cain not too far behind her.

As she felt him slowly release his breath out, that he jerked, and elbowed the loosing vampire with his elbow, directly connected against his chin. As he jerked back, she knew what was to come.

She held her tiny blade hidden in the seams of her dress. Held it ever so tightly for her life.

Fight to the death.

As she took out the Killjua blade from the sides of her belt- or what she called it the seams of her dress, and it seems where nobody found out or had a sense of what it is. She had found it out to hide her perfect, precious items-- along with the blade. And small ones, never she'd thought it'd be for a dangerous one like this one.

As she held it out, held it tightly for her life in swift motion that she brought it out.

She shook her head, "No. You can't have it."



She stabbed his neck. The disassembled guard of a royal that was guarding her with his back towards her. In one blow that she struck his vein that it spurted out in black blood. And it smelled defiled, kind of a mixing smell that smelled like the user had consumed something to make its blood change. Or an ingredient.

Her nerves trembling.

Or maybe it was just her. She had to take it out.

She didn't know who she was talking to. All she knew, was that she spurted out those words, and whoever had heard it, heard it. As she stared at the man whose blood came sprouting from the side, her funny bones churning at the sight, as it was her first, but she drank blood all the same.

She didn't know what she was doing. It was her first. As she staggered back as she saw the body limped against the floor. She couldn't believe that she just did that. Such bravery. And such a nerve that she stuck a knife into. Or a blade's heritage it might seem, that it seemed a whole lot more dangerous than it looked.

As she saw him limping and falling to the ground.

The man stared at across her. And he smiled. Of a second that he went in a flash and appeared a few spaced distances before her.

"I didn't know you had it in you. But besides, it's already in the open." He said as he looked up at her, then at the pendant. "I'm just going to tell you one thing. That pendant is too powerful to be used on.. a necklace."

His eyes churning with light and gold.

And that she had nowhere to escape.

Still holding to the dagger for dear life, staggering back, little by little, she knew what was coming, by the glint in his eyes.

A Royal Pain in the Ball ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant