EverLASTING [YoungLui × YoungValt]

266 11 20

this is just my AU.
Requested by crystial2022

⚠︎: Missed/Wrong words. Little Angst.


There's some of your memories that your thrilled to see once again in your life, and you go like 'oh look at this, back then this was filled with our memories!' It can be a camera along with pictures inside of a medium sized box. It can be toys from your wonderland childhood. It could be accessories that you used to love. Or maybe your records you made or given to you throughout your whole life in school. Or maybe, just maybe, you move in to your old childhood house, it was your childhood house that you pretend was your kingdom or wonderland castle. You explore the house while bringing up some memories when you were in your younger days.

And one particular little boy, stands out. He wasn't gifted a mother nor a father.. And so, the little boy spend his whole life, with no parents, no siblings and no friends. Just him - and he would always go to the playground, always seeing how the other kids play, wide smiles plastered on their faces and their laughter echoing, it was soothing in the boy's ears. And he wanted to join and play with them, but can't enter because you need a parent, you don't know, you could get kidnapped or bullied and who's going to be there to stop you? No one. It's sad, because the little boy doesn't have friends.

Anywho. The little boy couldn't just stand and watch the other kids play, he was jealous, let's cut to the chase. He'd never experienced playing with others, nor playing with his mother and father. So, he just entered the playground one day without any guardians. And good thing the guard there was on break. So he starts off with approaching a group of kids in the sand box. But as he approached and came closer to the childrens, every each one of them starts to cry or tremble. As their mothers came and picked them up and ran away. He felt like someone shooted him in the back, he felt betrayed, but yet confused.

Minutes passed, with the little boy just in the sand box, drawing with a stick showing him, his parents and kids playing all together. He just wants to feel the warmth and joy of the togetherness like the other childrens feel. The little boy decided to go home, with a frown plastered on his face.

But one day, a miracle happened.

He was taking an early stroll through the park. Worries or sadness flying far away from him by the breezy wind. He has been coming here for a while now. A place that's quiet, no people, no noise to bother him. But no one wouldn't even bother him, not even a fly, anyone wouldn't be able to go near him. Because in anyone's perspective, they see a monster.



He jumped out of the bench in surprise, a blue haired little boy with a headband greeted him. "Hello! My n-name is Valt! It's nice to meet you! Please be my friend!! What's your name!" Valt greeted the him aggressively and loudly that he had to cover his ear with his hands. "L-.. Lui.." Lui said his answer to Valt's question, but to be precise, that didn't really felt like a question.

Lui paused for a second. Why now? Why now that somebody is talking to him? Why now after all this years? Years of trying hard to make friends. Why now? Who is this kid? Why is he talking to Lui? Why now?

"Lui! Could you please be my friend!?" Lui is shock by this sudden moment that he's facing right now. Is this kind of a dream? 'Cause this all feels like a dream. A fantasy.


Lui mumbled a low and gentle voice with sadness. Valt heard that. "It's- It's because I don't make f-friends at school and they.. m-make fun of me for not having just single one..." He was starting to get teary eyed, and stammering with his words. Lui felt bad for this kid, and it was as if he's starting feel bad for himself at the same time. Valt was like Lui, he can't make friends. Their the same.

"H-hey, it's alright..-"

"And!" Valt cut off Lui's words. "A-and I see you sometimes outside the playground, looking at other kids, and I see you here in the park almost everyday when I'm here with my mama.. I wanted to talk to you but it felt like you needed some alone time.. So I waited for the perfect time, and.. h-here I am.. Ah! I-it's okay if you don't wanna talk or be friends with m-me..! I-I'll go-!"

"N-no! No! Stay.. Please.. I too have no friends.. And it gets so lonely when I don't have one. I kept on searching and looking for a right person that can accept me, and appreciate me. But no one can't even be close to me."

Valt walked closer to Lui, as he held his hands. "I also kept searching for a right person that can accept me and appreciate me. Can that person be you..?" Lui looked up, facing Valt directly. "And then can that person can be also be you?"

"Mm!" Valt smiled warmly and genuinely. Lui felt a throb in his heart, it's fuzzy and soft.

"Let's promise to never let each other part ways!"

"Yeah! Let's always be together!"

"Together! With everlasting happiness!"


Looks like everlasting can't be lasting that long.

All I see is a plane. A plane that's colored white. A plane that's flying. Flying away from me. While I see you, in the window. Looking down at me. I see your eyes. Full of sadness. Pain. While you see me, below. With eyes full of sadness. Sorrow. 
- Lui


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