Uh I need to explain some stuff

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So, now the story is over. Sadly.
But I thought I could end this all with some clearing up because I just feel like I should do it.
So first of all, obviously, this whole fanfic barely has anything canon from Hetalia aside for some human names. Obviously, the whole story on how Romania and Bulgaria met and became friends has nothing to do with how it's pictured by Himaruya. In the original they met at school after Bulgaria gained full independence and at first really didn't like each other, over time they grew closer and became good friends (and if you want to read it, if you haven't already which I doubt, it's really just a google away).
Second of all, I started this fanfic in 2020, if I were to rewrite it all, which I WON'T be doing, I'd change a lot, from certain non-canonical names, like even Vladimir and Aleksander since both aren't very Romanian/Bulgarian, to the writing style, to certain parts of the plot. I'd definetly make the chapters longer honestly. Especially if I were to know more details in History.
And oh, my God, the History. I had to make my own research for most of the chapters, and as much as I liked to learn more because 🌠History🌟, it was sooo tiring, I doubt I'd have the energy to so that all over again.
The way the story went by also hasn't had much of a plot really and I'm aware of that, as I said before, I would change it if I were to write it all over again, and also the way I interpretated some things like how the nations grow up aren't exactly like Himaruya made them to be (I rushed the growth of the characters).
(Yes, I know all these are useless details, as I said I just wanted to point them out just for clear ups).
Also if you know English pretty well and read the chapters as soon as I posted them, I'm pretty sure you noticed how the vocabulary developed but I guess that's a good thing (since I'm obviously not a native speaker).
Another thing I'd like to clear up is that obviously this fanfic, just like the anime, isn't very realistic, and this is obvious by the gayness in some Eastern European countries that if they were to be accurate, they would be the most homophobic along with some middle eastern countries. Honestly, this would've made the story a bit more interesting in my opinion, but in the end I still wanted to stick to the original irony of the characters, so I let them be gay and phobic-free.
Also, I want to point out how I started this fanfiction for lack of RoBul fanfics that were finished (reason why I really tried to stick to it even if it took me over two years) and whoever really read this shit till the end, you know the real meaning of life 😔👏👏
Tough life shipping a really underrated ship that DIDN'T EVEN GET ITS EPISODES IN THE NEW SEASON LIKE BFFR.
I'm not joking. There were supposed to be at least 2 or 3 episodes with Romania's and Bulgaria's friendship.
Disappointing. Really.
But the good side is in one of the newest chapters I swear to fucking- let's not be rude to God. I swear to all of you if this

 I swear to all of you if this

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isn't canon, nothing is

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isn't canon, nothing is. Period.

To end this all, I want to point out that as much as Hetalia is a pretty stupid anime overall and as much as this isn't supposed to be that deep, shipping two fu€king countries really made me happy. To see two representations of two cultures love eachother so much personally made me feel- understood ig? Overall this ship rocks and no one can convince me it's not a good wholesome one, hetalia or countryhumans tbh I don't mind neither.
I hope you enjoyed my writing as a begginer writer and I hope you felt as happy as me just seeing two fictional characters love eachother because real life is hard.

P.S. my biggest flex is that this fanfic was once top 1 on the robul #

Live, laugh, Romania x Bulgaria

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