The Point

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Bella's POV

After Nea and I shared that experience in my bedroom a few days ago, she is acting like her old self again. She didn't mention anything about Johnny, nor anything about the necklaces still sitting on her dresser....speaking of which, what's the point of keeping them if they led her to being in pain? I got the chance of asking her why....her response made my heart skip a few beats.

Nea - I'm remodeling them.....

Bella - Really?

Nea - for you and the other for me.

Bella - That's nice of you.

Nea - Well, you're my girlfriend....why wouldn't I do something like that?

Bella - You gotta a point about that.

Nea - Yep....guess what?

Bella - What?

Nea - Come closer and I'll tell you.

I walked over to her, and she wrapped her hands around my waist. I wrapped my hands around shoulders, and we were face-to-face with each other. (I forgot to mention...Nea and I are the same height.) She leaned in to kiss me, and when her lips touched spine shivered and a smile broke across my face. She looked at me, and smiled.

Nea - You know what I said?

Bella - Yes, I do....I love you too.

She and I were in each other's arms for I don't know long, but I didn't care about the time.....I had her.

-Short chapter.....time constraints with school schedule today. I'll have another chapter up later on. Peace be with you, young padawans.-

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