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Kyu's POV

So, I have been working on remembering different areas of the backyard and it is kinda hard. There is absolutely no way I could possibly teleport around here like a crazy person. Nico says that my technique is to think of the shadow coming at me.

Kyu - You keep mentioning the shadow....why do you think that is gonna help?

Nico - Did you run from the shadow in your dream?

Kyu - I moved from the floor, to the seats in the arena.....what does that have to do with me teleporting?

Nico - Enough talk....let's get started.

Kyu - I thought I was gonna train by myself?

Nico - You are....I'm just gonna give you boost to get started on being attacked by your enemies.

Kyu - That's not fair....

Nico - In battle....there is no such thing as fair. I learned that from experience when I was training for the academy to become captain.

Kyu - How long did it take?

Nico - About five years....HEADS UP!!!

Kyu - Wait what?

Nico jumped in the air and almost crushed me, before I teleported in front of the tree. He landed on his feet like a tiger, and rolled through the landing. I was surprised that I managed to move that fast.....and of course, he came running at me again. I decided to run at him, and fight him....possibly using my teleport as an extra bonus to beating him this time. I lunged at him, and he slid underneath me with a smile on his face. He tried to grab me, and throw me....he missed me that time. Once we were a few feet in front of each other, the real fight commenced. The weird thing about it is that every time I was going to attack him, I moved from one area to another. Which I guess that made my arsenal a lot more effective because with every hit, I would teleport around the backyard, kicking Nico's butt. He tried to throw in the towel, and I was crazy enough to believe it. He tackled me to the ground, and he declared himself the winner. The second he almost got to the door and opened it....I popped out with a bang. He almost fell backwards, but caught himself before he contacted the on the other hand, I started pouncing on him like a caged animal. He said that he added a new idea to the training session, and I almost laughed at it. He said that he'll be the enemy that will run away when they realize that you are too strong. I shrugged my shoulders, and went with the idea. He ran everywhere around the backyard, and I caught him multiple times. I think the last time I caught him, he threw me into a table. I landed on top of the table, and I swore he started laughing at me. He was making fun of me the whole time. That really made me mad, and I almost lost it. The second I got up was the second I started beating his ass with no mercy. He ran faster this time, guessing that came from his training as captain. His speed made the challenge a lot better, in my opinion because I got to watch him fear me. He called it quits, and the training session was over, but not before I did something that he'll never forget. I teleported like a mad man, and I hit him in every part of his body. The second I stopped and looked at what I did, he fell over....I walked over to him. He looked at me, and said the one thing that I'll never forget. The look in his eyes were colder than winter.

Nico - You know....your mother was wrong about you. You are not the weak link in the family....actually, you are just like your mother. Stubborn, quick to anger, and everything in between the lines. Sometimes, your mother would say that she wanted you, her words actually mean something. You are a nobody.....but a useless piece of shit.

Kyu - What got into you?

Nico - You don't deserve to be shouldn't have come back to the village. Leave before I do something about you.

I packed whatever I had gotten in the past few weeks, and I left the village with my head hung low. I took the back roads, and avoided the faces of the people. I feel like such a failure....after learning the truth of our family, trying to solve the mystery of my curse, and succeeding in my goals....I was automatically met with another truth bomb. My own cousin.....wanted me dead and no one actually wanted me in their lives. The second I reached the gates, I was met by Captain Arrow again.

Captain Arrow - Where are you going?

Kyu - I'm one wants me to be here, nor do they care about me.

Captain Arrow - Does Nico know that you're leaving?

Kyu - Why don't you go ask him yourself....he'll tell you from his own mouth what he told me.

Captain Arrow - What...I don't understand what you are trying to say?


He stepped out of the way and I walked out the village. I heard the doors close behind me, but I didn't stop moving either....I kept going till I couldn't go anymore. The journey to a new place began....I would grab this journey by the balls, and crush it with a fury that actually matches my new found hatred of my family.

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