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The story begins in a town of Aknu, and Kyu's family was falling apart. These events would begin Kyu's path.

Lora - She is too weak to be a part of this family.

Axel - How would you know....she is still a baby, and there is no way that you can look at a baby and tell that they are strong or weak.

Lora - I know things....I just know that she'll be a weak link. She will bring the family name into the dirt.

Axel - This is what your mother talked about....she always said that you were a stubborn piece of shit, and I actually agree with her in that case.

Lora - Excuse me?

Axel - Your mother called you a stubborn piece of that not registering in that thick skull of your's?

Lora - I'm not stubborn....I know she isn't worthy to be in this family. If you have a problem with that, then leave.

Axel - I'm not leaving....I would die here for the sake of Kyu.

Lora -'ll have that wish, you bastard.

She drew out her sword and pierced him in the stomach. He looked up at her and smiled.

Axel - But...I'm not the only one going down on this night.

Lora - What does that mean?

Axel - Look for yourself.....

Lora looked down and saw that he had pierced her chest. Axel smiled and said one final thing before they left their daughter alone, "You wouldn't have let her become a great fighter....I am the one who will allow her to do what she were never her mother since the day she was born......I hope she learns that you were never there for her." Moments later, authorities came to the house because they were claims of a crying baby. One of the authority figures, Nico, was a man who kept to himself....except in situations that involves a family.

Nico - I need a team to search the house for the baby, and I need another team to help me move the bodies to a proper burial site.

Kyu cried her little heart out during the full moon. Just as she began to stop crying, a symbol was seen glowing on her stomach. A kanji symbol that means "death" had appeared, and some of the men that were watching over knew that she would be a dangerous one to keep in town. Nico heard about the symbol and had her transported on an island with her grandparents to watch over her. Nico felt this would be safe to protect the town from what would come to fruition if she stays and has to see the house again....but something set in on Nico's mind. He remember his little brother had the "death" symbol on his arm. He also remembered that his brother lost his memory....he was afraid that could happen once again, but to a little girl that would never know her parents.

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