Meditation is Key? More like a Pain in the Ass

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Kyu's POV

Just any regular day, and my grandparents keep telling me to meditate on my "energy"....what is this energy that I possess? I remember being 4 years old, and finding out that I was being raised by my grandparents. I also remember was 5 years old, I was told that my parents died in a fire.....I asked who they were, but my grandparents never said. My granddad was a talker, but when it came to asking about my parents, he'd go silent really quick....I never understood why he was so quiet all of a there something about my parents that I don't know about them or is something being hidden from me? It doesn't make any sense....they both said that I should stay on the island, and won't give me a reason that seems valid. From the stories I heard, as you get older...there are some things that you need to know, but it seems that things are hidden from me for reasons I don't know. I don't even know what this damn symbol is on my stomach...everytime I take a shower or go swimming, I see the thing staring back at me. Now, I asked my grandma about it and she slapped the hell out of me.....I'm like what was that for? All I did was ask a simple question and the response was a slap....sometimes, I wish I knew my biological parents more than my grandparents.

I got off track......back to the meditation spiel. I am still confused about that too, but I know if I went to ask my grandma, she'd just about slap me for asking a question. I just had an idea, just don't ask her questions and see if that helps with her slapping problems. If that does the trick I may get an answer out of her, but that is by a long shot. Maybe silence will get her attention and she'll realize that I am only trying to learn something on this god forsaken island. My granddad doesn't help the problem either....he just makes it seem like I am a rebellious teenager. Oh, I forgot to mention that I was 16....and I still get slapped for asking questions. One of these days, I am gonna slap the shit out of her, and hopefully....that actually happens to her.

What else is new around here....absolutely nothing besides the meditation thing and that is getting on my nerves.....honestly I would lose it if have to hear that I have to meditate again. I am that close to the point of kicking some ass....and possibly, I'll be able to go to the village and explore it a little bit. Only problem is that my grandparents said I can't do that because of some "bad" memories, like the memories of being slapped? Yeah, like that would do that anything to me.

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