Johnny and Nea

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Nea - So, why were you with Mike in the first place?

Johnny - It is hard to explain....

Nea - Don't be scared to tell me...we have been around each other for years.

Johnny - It doesn't matter.

Nea - What do you mean, "it doesn't matter"?

Johnny - It doesn't matter to you...nor does it matter to Bella.

Nea - I just want to know why you left me alone to go with Mike and those punk ass kids.

Johnny - Damn...why does it matter to you if I hang out with him or not?

Nea - I worried about your well being for months because....I have feelings for you.

Johnny - And your point is what?

Nea - Didn't you just hear me....I said that I have feelings for you.

Johnny - I have known this since we were little kids at the orphanage. Did the thought of me not wanting to be with you ever cross the back of your mind?

Nea - I....thought that you wanted..

Johnny - You thought wrong.....for years, I have tried to avoid you because of, you dragged Bella into this mess.

Nea - No, I didn't drag her into anything....she came out of nowhere because she saw that I was being embarrassed by Mike.

Johnny - How nice of her to do that for you....what is she, your sister?

Nea - She is my sister....she didn't know of my existence for years.

Johnny - What a surprise....she found you by fate.

Nea - Why are like this?

Johnny - This is who I kept bugging me for years and I got tired of it.

Nea - Is this how you really feel about me?

Johnny -You should've seen this coming.

Nea - Well...I won't bother you anymore from this point on.

Johnny - Good.

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