Rule 49 | Never have a wet dream about your roommate.

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My entire body was hot and cold.

The heat seared rapidly through every single nerve ending on my skin as the cold seeped in slowly from the cold metal chain pooled in the hollow of my throat.

Fire and ice.

It felt like I was walking through both.

Soft, inviting lips, hot and frenzied on mine.

The huge, warm hands running up my thighs.

The cool, electric shivers that raked down my spine.

And the nipping cold bracelet between my legs.

Rubbing against the same deliciously sensitive yet elusive spot that Jungkook's fingers had so quickly discovered a fortnight ago.

Soft, unintelligible sounds left my mouth, my back arching against the mattress as lips trailed down my neck, skimming across my collarbone before dipping even lower, and with a jolt, I realised that I was half-naked.

Under an equally naked man.

The muscles in his abdomen rippled and his body shone with a thin layer of sweat as he hovered on top of me with an almost reverent expression, his fingers exploring the depths of my womanhood with desperation equal to with which his mouth explored the length of my body.

The red dress I'd borrowed from Mackenzie the night of the frat party, sat on my body, further fuelling the said man's desire.

Only its straps fell off my shoulders now, its fitted lace bodice unzipped and pushed down to reveal a strapless nude bra, and its skirt haphazardly hiked up until it was nothing but a strip of fabric bunched up around my waist.

My heart thundered in my chest, beating a thousand times every minute as I felt fingers hook into the waistband of my flimsy lace panties and soon enough they were being tugged off; beautiful, masculine hands sliding them down my legs torturously slow before coming up to part my legs wider and continue what they were doing earlier.

"Look at me, flower." The guy whispered softly, his voice close. Too close.

My lips parted in a low moan as I unwillingly forced my eyes open, my breath getting knocked out by the sheer, devastating sensuality of the sight that met my gaze.

Damp hair, slightly curling at the ends.

Dark eyes, hooded with lust.

Moist lips, curved into a lopsided smirk.


With a sharp intake of breath, I woke up from my slumber as I frantically looked to my side in order to get a better hold on reality.

A wide expanse of bright blue speckled with a million different shades of green and white met my gaze as I squinted out of the window to get a better look at the narrow, sandy coastline lined with thick trees and tiny beach houses that were appearing to be bigger and bigger with every second.

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