Rule 63 | Never go _ shopping with your roommate.

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   LIFE HAD A funny way of always making you do things you didn't want to do

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LIFE HAD A funny way of always making you do things you didn't want to do. To face fears you never wanted to face and cross obstacles you never even wanted to come across.

But at times, life also gave you a chance.

A chance to avoid what terrified you the most. To avoid having to confront your biggest fear and evade the mental chaos that followed thereafter.

But that was where the human ego came in, forcing you to forego that golden chance.

Because according to the average human psyche, evasion was weakness.

And which human being with enough amour propre could bear the thought of being weak?

Certainly not me.

"Wait!" I yelled, running down the cobblestone path that led up to main gate where Jungkook stood, waiting for his taxi to the airport.

"I'm coming with you." I declared quickly with a proud smile as he turned just in time to steady me, looking confused and a little taken aback by my sudden enthusiasm when I'd practically cried up a storm about not wanting to go last night.


I shook my head, raising my index finger and pressing it to his lips to silence him.

"I know what you're going to say. How it's really not necessary. How you would hate to see me push myself to do something I don't want to. And how I absolutely don't have to go if I don't want to." My words rushed out in a single breath as Jungkook looked at me questioningly, although making no effort to speak as he probably figured I wasn't done talking yet.

"And I know that I said I was scared. I still am. And I still don't really want to do this. But, foolishly enough, I do want to face my fear bravely this time, which will be the first and last time I do that, mind you. Because I'm sure I won't be stupid enough to go on about facing this fear of mine again, if today doesn't work out." I let out a nervous laugh.

"I do have some sense of self-preservation intact, after all. And I'm okay with being a coward too if that brings me some semblance of mental stability. It's just that I'm not really in the mood to be one, today, you know?" I paused, partly to catch my breath and partly so I could gauge his reaction to my undoubtedly dim-witted decision. And watch as he realised that not only was I inanely determined to see it through that he took me along but that he was also going to have to back me up in case this absolute insanity of a plan backfired.

"And I think, you're the perfect person to be foolhardy and reckless with." I continued, as if running out of time on a presentation. "Because then, I can trust you to—uhh—well, handle me and it, the situation, I mean—if things do by chance, go south. Which is why-" I sighed, already starting to feel a bit anxious at the thought of anything going south.

No matter how brave I tried to be, all I truly wanted was to reach Seoul with my mental, emotional and physical comfort intact and to come back the same way.

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