Rule 33 | Don't admire your drunk roommate while getting drunk.

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   "COME ON, Y/N

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"COME ON, Y/N. Don't think too much and just gulp it down in one go." Jimin shouted over the loud music, smiling mischievously as he handed me a shot glass filled with a suspicious looking clear liquid.

Was that soju? In a club?

I was anyway wondering why he and Makenzie had pulled me away from the rest of our group just when I was beginning to get comfortable under the dark blue and pink lights, surrounded by five boys who refused to take their eyes off me, as if expecting someone to pounce upon me the moment they looked away.

I had felt Jungkook's steady gaze on my back until the moment we'd stepped out of the VIP room, clearly not convinced that the only reason they had dragged me out of there was to get me a drink. Which, now that I looked at the bar that we were currently seated at, and the shots of alcohol clasped in all three of our hands, wasn't exactly a lie.

But something told me that even though Jimin and Makenzie hadn't actually made up a false excuse, Jungkook wasn't going to be very pleased once he found out exactly what we were up to.

Or more precisely, what his best friend and his best friend's not-yet-girlfriend were up to.

I threw a worried glance at the harmless-looking glass in front of me before turning to my other side to look at Makenzie just as she downed a shot very similar to mine without as much as a frown marring her forehead. Looking back at the transparent glass dangling between my fingers, I made up my mind.

How bad could it be, anyway?

It was just alcohol. And if Makenzie could drink it, I probably could, too.

"Are you sure it's not going to make me lose control over my senses and pass out?" I asked Makenzie, as she seemed to think about it for a moment.

"Well, not really." She said. "It's much more likely to just give you that extra boost of confidence you need to dance your heart out on the dance floor tonight." Flashing me a bright grin, she effortlessly gulped down another shot as I stared at her in awe.

Was it really possible to look so sober and composed while taking shots upon shots of alcohol?

"Besides, a single shot of vodka isn't going to do much harm unless it's your firs—" I barely heard Jimin speak as I determinedly brought the glass to my lips, preparing myself for what I thought was going to be a very eye-opening experience. Tipping my head backwards, I let the unfamiliar liquid flow down my throat before I could chicken out.

Only to regret it, almost immediately after.

A series of harsh, convulsive coughs escaped my mouth as an excruciatingly bitter aftertaste burned through my throat, the searing sensation rapidly invading my chest and rendering me speechless. Tears stung my eyes as I rubbed my throat unhappily before straightening to glare at Jimin.

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