Rule 46 | Don't make your roommate come* on your fingers.

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   "I DON'T THINK it's right for me to stay here tonight

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   "I DON'T THINK it's right for me to stay here tonight." I mumbled quietly, taking a moment to look around Jungkook's bedroom as the man in question finally emerged from his walk-in-closet with a raised eyebrow.

"It's my father's house. And you're in my bedroom, Y/N. So if I say it's right that you stay here tonight, and you're not feeling so uncomfortable and unwelcome as to want to return to the dorms right at this moment when it's literally—" He paused to glance up at digital wall clock. "—forty five minutes past midnight," He stated meaningfully before walking towards me with light and easy steps. "Then I think it's pretty damn right that you do."

Stopping barely inches away from where I was sitting on the edge of his neatly made bed, he brought two of his fingers out to tip my chin upwards and leaned forward slightly until I was forced to look into his dark, amused eyes. "Do you feel uncomfortable being in my bedroom alone with me, flower?"

"N-Not really as much as feeling uncomfortable at thought of overstaying my welcome." I found myself mumbling in a surprisingly steady voice even as Jungkook let out a soft chuckle, his gaze automatically flitting to my swollen, pink lips as he leaned closer just like he had done a few minutes ago, outside this very room.

I had intended to delay this for as long as it was possible but apparently, it was impossible to keep Jungkook from staring at my mouth the moment we found ourselves alone in an enclosed space with each other. Which was often.

And which further led me to wonder exactly how much he had subjected me to this outrightly shameless staring in the past month.

"Oh, I assure you, you're definitely not." Jungkook rasped, the corner of his mouth tugging up slightly when I blinked at him dubiously.

Biting my lip to calm down my nervousness, I glanced away for a second to gather my thoughts before focusing on him again.

Or more specifically his lips.

Ones that he was biting down upon, unconsciously mirroring me.

I suddenly felt all too aware of the way he was looking at me, the breath in my lungs getting knocked out when I saw him lightly suck his lower lip into his mouth—drawing my attention towards the little mole which I always thought added a whole lot of softness to his otherwise chiseled, masculine face—before releasing it as he studied my flushed face with a barely masked interest.

If he'd somehow noticed my fascination... and fixation with that particular detail of his appearance, he didn't say so and simply gazed at me with a faint, half-amused smile of sorts, smoothing a thumb over the corner of my mouth and delicately caressing the skin along my jawline with the lightest of touches.

As if he were allowing his hands to stray unchecked for just a little while longer before he was eventually forced to pull away.

The notion that he found it simply impossible to keep himself from touching me in any way that I would allow him to made my heart swell with warm feminine pride as it did a little pitter-patter dance inside my chest. I had never considered myself to be particularly beautiful—never even thought that a guy as attractive as him would ever be interested in indulging my hidden but desperate desire for casual intimacy and find himself so utterly taken with me that he simply couldn't bring himself to resist reaching out and touching me, but here I was.

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