Rule 80 | I can't decide rn.

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   A DEEPENING SENSE of remorse filled me as Jungkook and I walked back to our dorm, his hand gripping mine and my head hung low with shame

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   A DEEPENING SENSE of remorse filled me as Jungkook and I walked back to our dorm, his hand gripping mine and my head hung low with shame. He hadn't said a word since asking me to come with him and even though I knew that he understood why I had been at the party tonight, I still felt terrible for doubting him.

I knew he felt terrible that I'd doubted him.

The air between us grew thick with unspoken tension as we neared our dorm building and I couldn't help but sneak a tiny glance at him in an effort to gauge his mood.

What could I even say in a situation like this? He had even told me not to apologise to him anymore.

Chewing on my lower lip, I couldn't help but notice how taut his facial muscles were pulled as he kept on looking ahead, determined to not glance at me at all.

I didn't understand what I could do to just make him look at me again.

To replace his cold reticence with his usual audacious playfulness and bridge this strange, gaping void of silence between us that felt so empty and yet, so full all at the same time.

I knew better than to actually believe that he wasn't aware of my gaze on him, on his subtly clenched jaw or the thin line of his mouth, because he always was.

He always knew.

And it hurt to see him pretend like he didn't.

It hurt a lot more than I cared to admit.

It hurt to the point of a heavy, gnawing ache blooming inside my chest as it slowly clawed it's way upwards to my throat, making me choke with tears that welled up at the brim of my eyes but refused to fall, subsiding into a fiery wave of painful pinpricks that stung my eyes instead.

Pursing my lips to avoid making a sound, I pulled my gaze back to my feet again, unable to ignore the perfect sync in which they fell in with Jungkook's confident yet relaxed stride even as a strange turmoil brewed inside my mind.

Wasn't it normal to feel jealous or even apprehensive if you heard and saw visual evidence about your boyfriend being at a singles' party with some other girl?

A part of me said it was. Hadn't Jungkook rushed there too because he hadn't wanted me to be at a party like that? Because it made no sense for me to be there when I already had him?

Why did I feel the need to apologise for being possessive about him? For not wanting to lose him to someone else?

But then again, a part of me also wondered why I was so sure about losing him at all. Why I worried about him being interested in other girls at all when he'd proven on multiple occasions how serious he was about me. About us.

Why did I, even for a second, doubt that he would be swayed by some other girl when instead of staying back at the dorm and fucking around with literally whoever he wanted, he had gladly chosen to go to Jeju with me even though we weren't even dating?

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