Rule 35 | Never admit that you lost your first kiss to your roommate.

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   "GOOD MORNING, FLOWER," I was greeted by a low, dulcet chuckle as I frowned, stirring in my sleep due to the ticklish sensation of something continuously brushing against my face

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"GOOD MORNING, FLOWER," I was greeted by a low, dulcet chuckle as I frowned, stirring in my sleep due to the ticklish sensation of something continuously brushing against my face.

Squinting my eyes open, I blinked uncomfortably, trying to get my tired eyes to adjust to my surroundings.

Because even though the room wasn't that bright at all, with the curtains still drawn and the lights all turned off, my head still felt like it was going to explode if I dared to open my eyes all the way through.

"Stop doing that, Jungkook," a small, mildly annoyed moan escaped my lips, the hoarse and scratchy sound unfamiliar to my own ears as I blindly reached upwards to push his hand away from my face.

He seemed to be lightly brushing his fingertips against my forehead, and even though it seemed to be a completely innocent touch and so feather-light that I could barely feel it, it still managed to send a string of subliminal yet unmistakably electric tingles flashing through my nerves, ones that ended dangerously close to my core.

Unfortunately, his amusement only seemed to intensify when I finally managed to swat his hand away in a sudden fit of restlessness, his laughter growing beautifully reverberant as he brazenly used his other free hand to accomplish what he couldn't earlier and lightly flicked my forehead.

"Ouch! What the hell, Jungkook?" I hissed, sitting up to find him staring at me, a stupid grin plastered on his beautiful lips.

"A wonderful morning to you too, flower." He tilted his head in a playful greeting and, before I had the chance to respond, stretched over me to reach for something on my nightstand.

Almost instantly, I froze in my place, all words dying on the tip of my tongue as my eyes widened at his abrupt and unabashed actions.

"Wh-What do you want?" I stuttered, eyeing him dubiously as he turned to look at me with narrowed eyes, an amused smirk playing on his mouth.

"I want you," He finally stated, gently biting on his lower lip as his gaze slowly dipped to my mouth. My breath stuck in my throat.

He was doing it again.

Staring at me as if I were the shot of alcohol he wanted to down in one go.

Just like the exotic cocktail he'd downed yesterday, gulping down the contents of his fancy glass all in one go while his eyes remained fixed on me the entire time.

A warm blush rose to my cheeks as I remembered the way his dark eyes had slowly and painstakingly trailed all over my body from across the dance floor.

Perching comfortably on top of a barstool right across from me with an air of effortless sophistication like he was the only one who deserved that spot, he had kept me in his direct line of vision the whole time while he gently swirled the intoxicating, sunset orange liquid, the corner of his mouth lifting slightly in a small smile before he raised his brows as if toasting to me.

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