Rule 32 | Don't have a one-sided crush on your roommate.

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   AFTER HOSEOK HYUNG and Y/N returned from the beach, I was relieved to see that he was somewhat back to being his usual happy self

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AFTER HOSEOK HYUNG and Y/N returned from the beach, I was relieved to see that he was somewhat back to being his usual happy self. Of course, Seok Mi and Dasom's absence from the beach house helped, but seeing him smile comfortably at Y/N after such a sudden and unexpected revelation, and the way he could interact with her easily without feeling awkward warmed my heart.

Y/N looked happy to be here too. I could see it in her smile how much she loved sitting around the dining table, eating food that Jin hyung had cooked, or laughing at one of Taehyung's weird comments while Jimin hyung and Makenzie bickered beside her. She looked at ease amongst us. And I was proud that she could still trust people enough to make new friends.

I was proud of my hyungs for making Y/N like them, a feat I hadn't quite accomplished yet.

"So what are we doing after lunch?" Jin hyung asked, settling down into a chair beside me. "I've heard the nightlife in Busan is amazing."

That caught everyone's attention.

"Well, there are some pretty popular nightclubs in Haeundae that we could go to. I think we could all use a night of dancing." I said, exchanging a quick look with Taehyung and Jimin to make sure they were on this with me, too. "What do you guys think, Taehyung? Jimin? Hoseok hyung?"

"Oh, absolutely!" Taehyung piped up enthusiastically as Hoseok hyung nodded in confirmation. "I think that's a great idea."

"Yeah, I'm down for clubbing. And Min Hyo too." Jimin grinned, knowing he'd managed to get under Makenzie's skin yet again as she scowled at him for using her Korean name yet again.

"And what about you, Y/N?" Jin hyung asked my roommate who'd been awfully quiet so far.

I could tell she felt pressured to say yes considering everyone else wanted to go and although I wanted her to step out of her comfort zone and seek new experiences, I didn't want her to be coerced into doing something she didn't want to either.

"You can freely tell us whether or not you want to go, Y/N." I looked at her reassuringly. "You can say no, and none of us will hold that against you."

"Wah, I just got goosebumps," Jimin mumbled, rubbing his hands up and down his arms dramatically. "This is the first time I've seen him being considerate of someone else. Who are you, you fvcking imposter, and where's Jungkook?"

Unimpressed, I scowled at him, to which he simply responded with a smirk before turning his attention to Y/N.

"Jungkook is right though, Y/N. You can make your decision without the fear of being judged. If you don't want to go, you don't want to go and that's it. You don't need to explain anything to us." He told her with more seriousness than I'd expected him to ever display.

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