Rule 86 | Never say yes to your roommate.

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   "WOW, SO YOU'RE rich rich, huh?" Y/N exhaled softly, looking around in wonder as we entered the apartment

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   "WOW, SO YOU'RE rich rich, huh?" Y/N exhaled softly, looking around in wonder as we entered the apartment.

Taking in her awed expressions, I quietly suppressed the smile that threatened to spread across my mouth, refusing to let the chance slip out of my hands.

"Yeah. All the more reason to say yes, don't you think?" I stated suggestively as Y/N nodded distractedly, still too fascinated by the place to listen to me carefully.

"Yeah." She murmured to herself, her voice barely above a whisper as she craned her neck to look around the living room, causing her eyes to light up with a wonderfully childish curiosity and her steps to slow down, as if she were afraid to soil the flawless marble floor.

I guess it was the architecture student in her that was so gripped by the beautiful structure of this apartment. And rightfully so.

The building had been planned out by some of the best architects in Korea, and this particular apartment out of all others, had been specially designed by one of her favourite architects. My grandmother, who had always had quite the keen eye for luxury properties, had been a rather big fan of his work too and had specifically hired him to work on laying out the structure for this space.

"I have never seen a such a beautiful apartment in my whole life." She breathed, shaking her head in disbelief as I quickly performed a little dance of victory inside my head before quietly thanking my grandmother up in heaven. She had no idea how big of a role she was playing in ensuring that her beloved grandson didn't die alone.

"It's so minimal yet so brilliantly resplendent at the same time, it's almost unbelievable." Y/N whispered, turning to me all of a sudden as I hastily schooled my expressions, nodding seriously like I understood exactly what she meant.

I didn't.

For me, this was just another apartment. One like so many others that I'd seen growing up. But if Y/N wanted to call it resplendent, then resplendent it was.

"You're right." I quickly stated, trying my best not to appear too desperate as I set the shopping bags in my hands onto one of the hallway cabinets. "And that's exactly why we should live here. My grandmother once said this place would make for a perfect newlywed home."

That seemed to get her attention as her head whipped toward me, her expressions so utterly nonplussed it was almost funny.

"N-Newly...what?" She gaped at me like I'd suddenly grown two heads.

"Newlyweds." I repeated with deliberate emphasis, slowly this time. "You know when a guy proposes to a girl he loves? And the girl screams for joy and says yes, and then, they get married? Those newlyweds." I clarified, a shit-eating smile appearing on my face as her cheeks tinged pink, her gaze lowering.

Gosh darn, she really was so fucking pretty when she blushed.

I didn't think I could ever get over it. Over how incredibly beautiful she was.

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