Rule 41 | Never openly flirt with your roommate.

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   THE THOUGHT OF sleeping in the same room with Jungkook after what had transpired between us this afternoon felt weird

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   THE THOUGHT OF sleeping in the same room with Jungkook after what had transpired between us this afternoon felt weird.

I still couldn't think about the kisses we'd shared without either blushing like a beetroot or getting completely distracted, so much so that my surroundings stopped making sense to m—

"Careful!" My head jerked up as I felt myself being quickly pulled to the side, Jungkook's fingers digging into my upper arm as he barely managed to pull me out of the way of a fast approaching electric scooter rider.

We were currently walking through a night market popular for its food outlets since my handsome yet pig-headed roommate had decided that he wanted to get Korean BBQ at one of the fanciest places of Dongdaemun for dinner.

Of course, I wasn't really happy about it.

One, because it was probably going to be way more expensive than what I could afford to spend on one night's dinner.

And two, it would feel too much like a date if Jungkook insisted on paying for me.

I wasn't exactly looking forward to sharing a room with him after not just engaging in secret kiss with him in an empty classroom, like some sort of a love struck couple trying to keep things under wraps, but also, after going on a date at a fancy restaurant where he probably made the whole deal of 'roommates with exclusive kissing rights and we'll see where it goes from there' seem a bit too real. And a bit too fast.

How did he expect things to be the same after we both knew what we'd done? At the university and in his sister's hospital room?

Did he really think that the moment we were left alone in that room, the door closed and locked, the moment our hands brushed together and our eyes met for that one split second as we both got ready to get into our respective beds, we wouldn't feel the same, inexorable thoughts crossing our minds? That we wouldn't probably and most definitely end up kissing again?

"What are you even thinking about to be so distracted?" He frowned, changing positions with me so that I was no longer walking facing the street. My hands fell to my sides as I grew conscious of the lack of a bag whose strap I could hold onto while walking.

I'd never considered myself to be of a very clingy personality type, always viewing myself as rather independent and self sufficient but slowly I was beginning to realise that I actually depended on physical contact much more than I liked to acknowledge.

After years of walking arm-in-arm or hand-in-hand with my mother wherever I went, whether it was the local market, the beach or the nearest convenience store, it was terribly difficult for me to walk with someone without immediately wanting to grab their hand.

It was more a habit than necessity, now that I was no longer a child that needed to be kept in check while walking down a street but I still stuck to it. Mostly because my mother never minded and also, because I was too comfortable to mend my ways.

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