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So um... I'm not sure if you'll notice later, but I kinda described some scenes longer than usual because I wanted to try that after seeing many fics like that. I hope you like it!

Warning: Jealous Shinichi, Annoyed Shinichi, Kaito kinda ignored Shinichi for a while.


Shinichi was reading... Or we could say he was trying to act like he was reading. Why? Because he was glaring at Kaito and the girl beside Kaito, behind the book. They were sitting across from each other by the way.

He gritted his teeth and muttered to himself.

"When I heard his prof asked him to teach someone, I never thought much about it before but... "

Shinichi looked at the girl's happy face that was painted with blush. He twitched in annoyance.

'Isn't she looks like someone who wants Kaito?!'

He knew Kaito would always love him but knowing the girl wanted his Kaito made him so annoyed. He then sent another wave of heating glares towards them. To no avail those didn't affect them. It was like they were in their own world and that thought made Shinichi want to pull Kaito away and made sure he didn't give any attention except him and him only.

"Well that's such an interesting perspective to see this question!"


Kaito and the girl laughed. Loudly.

When he saw their happy face, heard their happy sounds, he twitched for who knows how many times already. No, he couldn't handle this anymore. That girl also kept getting closer and closer to Kaito.

He closed his book and stood up.

The chair almost fell down because of the impact. Not like Shinichi cared though. Keeping Kaito away from the annoying girl was the one he wanted the most.

When both of them startled, Shinichi felt so happy to get both of their attention after 2 hours. Yes. Kaito ignored him. Because of this girl. For 2 hours.

"Hey, Kaito. Isn't it enough teaching her for today? Didn't you promise to bring me to that new restaurant?"

He said with a calm voice. He didn't want to let the girl see his rude self. Afterall, he had a reputation to keep.

He wasn't surprised when Kaito blinked at him, confused like he hadn't promised him anything. Afterall, that was a lie. Besides, Kaito never forgot his promise.

"Eh, I did?"

"Yeah! You did!"

Shinichi answered with a happier voice than usual.

Taking the hint, Kaito stood up and packed up his things, feeling slightly nervous. He didn't want to get into Shinichi's bad side. Not now. Not ever. Although, His face was still normal, thanks to his poker face.

"If that's then, Nakahara-san I-"

"But Kuroba-kun, we haven't finished this question."

The girl dared to pout and that made Shinichi snap from being nice and glared at her. For the first time, she flinched.

"But I think I heard both of you talking about random things rather than studying. Besides, Kaito promised me."

Shinichi then turned to Kaito with the happy face he had used before but with a creepier and scarier smile that sent another danger to Kaito.

"A gentleman wouldn't break his promise right?"


"Let's go then!"

Shinichi walked away by himself. Kaito apologised and bid goodbye to the girl. He then walked away to catch up to his detective. The girl just stared at the spot where the two boys had been before and shivered after she finished processing what had happened.

"No wonder they said the detective is scary. I thought that was a lie. He always seems nice to everyone. But those glares... He can kill anyone with them."

She mumbled while trying her best to finish the last three questions.


"Shinichi! Oi Shinichi!"

Shinichi ignored him and walked faster. Kaito gritted his teeth, trying his best to catch his wrist.

"Can you just wait!"

Finally catching Shinichi's wrist, Kaito pulled him and pinned him to the wall. Shinichi wasn't even surprised at that or that grin Kaito was wearing right now.


Shinichi asked boredly and Kaito grinned wider.

"You were jealous, weren't you? You even created a lie."

Shinichi eyed his side and his face went pink now. Kaito expected the usual denial but then Shinichi looked at him with a redder face. A serious one too.

"Yeah. I was jealous alright."

Kaito's brain broke at that honest replied.


He dumbly said that out. Seriously, he never could manage his poker face whenever Shinichi was being honest and cute at the same time.

When Shinichi could feel Kaito's hand around his wrist starting to loosen, he walked away. After a few seconds, Kaito ran towards blushing Shinichi with his own face covered with blush.

"You don't need to worry, you know. No one can catch this thief except you, meitantei."

He told Shinichi with a really big smile until he could feel his cheeks hurt . Shinichi glanced at his thief and let out a huff.

"Like I don't know that already."

He whispered and a small smile carved at his lips.

Couldn't resist the cuteness, Kaito took Shinichi's chin and kissed him. Shinichi just leaned to it like he always did.


There! Thank you for reading!

Next: Our Love Story

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