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Kaito had changed his cloth after he finished his heist and Shinichi had given the jewel Kaito had stolen to Nakamori. They had decided to wait for each other on the rooftop of Haido's City Hotel.

"Sorry for the wait, Kaito."

Kaito who was sitting, turned to his back and watched Shinichi walking towards him. Shinichi sat beside him. They were sitting at the middle of the rooftop. Both were smiling.

"The moon is beautiful."

Shinichi hummed, agreed with Kaito. The moon was shining brightly. It was funny how both of their hearts were beating slightly fast.

"Say Kaito, are we dating?"

If anyone asked if they were dating, they would answer no. Why? Because it was the truth.

"I don't know."

Kaito knew he had been in love with this detective since he was Conan but the detective still unaware of it. Kaito sometimes could feel love when Shinichi watched him with his blue sapphire eyes. He just dense and Kaito knew it.


He was dense and Shinichi admitted it. He didn't know what he had been feeling for the thief until the thief had saved him in that incident.

"Because we never confess to each other."

It was late at night when Shinichi got cornered in fire building. He was the only one who got trapped in it since he was the only people who got invited to the mansion. Once he entered, he saw no one and started to frown. By the time he could scent gasoline, it was too late.

"Then, Kaito. "

He were at the highest floor of the mansion. The door was locked. The fire was getting nearer to him and he would die if he didn't jump right at the moment. So, he jumped. He knew the firetruck wasn't there and yet, he jumped. He wanted to laugh at himself. Why would he just jumped like that without second thought. He could have died if there's no one to catch him. However, he didn't worry about that.

"Hm? What is it, Shinichi?"

Suddenly, he felt two strong arms circling his waist. He opened his eyes and they sparkled when he saw Kaito in his KID suit. Shinichi then remembered that Kaito had a heist that day but he didn't go because he had a case. The case that had been a trap. To be honest, he was surprised. He hadn't told anyone about this case and yet Kaito found him. Catch him when he fell. And that was when he realised why he didn't hesitate to jump.

"Thank you."

Because he believed Kaito would be there for him. To catch him. To save him. To be there for him. Always.

"For what?"

Shinichi stood up and slowly walking while he himself was talking.

"For disguising as me to protect my identity. For catching me when the terrorist threw me out of the airship. For saving me when I was drowning with a broken leg. For reaching out to me when I was falling in Singapore. For helping me in the takedown. For trusting me with your identity. For cheering me up when I was depressed. For finding me when I thought no one would. For giving me meanings to stay alive again."

Shinichi was really near to the edge and Kaito stood up but didn't walk. He was stunned with how beautiful Shinichi looked when he turned his gaze to meet Kaito.

"Thank you for always there to catch me. Thank you for always there to save me. Thank you for always and always being there for me."

He jumped off the roof and there they were. The pair of strong arms around his waist. He opened his eyes and smiled when he saw Kaito with bright eyes. He knew his face was redder than Kaito by now.

They landed on the rooftop. Kaito who had carried Shinichi in bridal style, put Shinichi down. His arms didn't leave Shinichi's waist. The same goes to Shinichi too. His hands were still gripping on the other's shirt.

"Shinichi I--"

Kaito stopped when Shinichi slowly pull out his hands from gripping his shirt. They cup Kaito's face now. Shinichi's hands, were warm and the smile that Shinichi gave him, made his heart beating too fast.

"I love you too, Kaito."

Shinichi kissed him and his eyes widened while his arms tightened around Shinichi's waist. The kiss was short and Shinichi pulled back. Then, Kaito brought Shinichi for a kiss again. Longer this time. Deeper too.

"You too. Thank you for helping me bringing my father's murderers down. Thank you for protecting my trust and identity. Thank you for being able to see the real me behind my poker face . Thank you for trusting me with your life and thank you for giving me the opportunity to love you, Shinichi."

Kaito whispered while they were busy taking their breath. After a while, they kissed again.


So ummmmm... Does this story make sense? Anywayy I hope all of you enjoyed this hehee.

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