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Kaito didn't know Conan's real identity here. He just knew that Conan was just a genius elementary schooler.

So, enjoy this little oneshot~ \^¬^/


It was another heist and another failure. Kaito sighed when the jewel he stole today wasn't pandora. It had been 3 years since he became KID and he was tired.

Don't get him wrong. He loved magic. He loved to show magic in front of the crowd but... He couldn't handle the disappointment everytime the jewel wasn't pandora.


He turned and saw the little detective, Edogawa Conan. Conan was amazing, Kaito knew that. His intellect was really high. He could even outwitted Kaito himself sometimes.

Conan was watching him. Kaito could hear and see the concern from him.

"Hey, Tantei-kun."

Conan didn't move and keep staring at him.

" W-what? "

"You're crying"

Kaito touched his cheek and yes, it indeed was wet. He laughed dryly. He started to sweep the tears away using his sleeve.

"I'm sorry. It's just--"

"It's okay. Just cry. I know you've been searching for something for so long. So, it's okay to let the tears flow and breath a little sometimes."

Conan opened his arm wide and Kaito jumped to them without thinking long. He clung to the little detective and Conan let him.

"For a kid, you always say something like you understand how it feels."

Kaito could feel Conan shrugged while rubbing Kaito's back.

"I wonder about that"

The little body was warm. Kaito liked it. He wanted to hug Conan a little bit longer but they could hear the police now. Kaito stood up and smiled at Conan. Conan did the same.

"Sorry and Thank you. "

Conan shook his head.

"It's okay. Afterall, I don't want my rival in the bad shape, right? And... If you want to tell your problem, I could be your ear. Just remember that okay? "

Kaito nodded and a KID grinned formed on his lips. He opened his hang glider, jumped from the edge. Conan watched the thief from the rooftop, ignoring the loud police force.

"... I'm searching my way to go back to my old life, KID."

Conan murmured under his breath and looked up at the sky. It was fulled with stars.


This is so shortttttttt... I wanna share the other one but well... I keep changing it sooooo...

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