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Sorry for taking a little bit longer than I expected to finish this.
Anywayssss thanks for your patient!
Hope you enjoy this short oneshot ^v^

Warning: Sad Kaito for a bit but don't worry Shinichi was there to lightened up his life!
Edited: 8/7/2022


He knew he didn't deserve anything. Especially Aoko's forgiveness. Afterall, he had lied to her, lied to everyone. He was also a phantom thief, a criminal.

How could someone like him deserve something like happiness?

But Kudou Shinichi had changed that Kaito's thought.


The organisation had been taken down but pandora wasn't found yet. Thus, Kaito was tired of searching that. He was tired and


But one day, Kudou Shinichi suddenly appeared in front of his school, introduced himself as Kaito's childhood friend and Kaito wondered how Aoko could believe such lies.

Kudou then told him that he didn't want to catch him. Instead, he wanted to be friend with him

And that's how their story began.

And Slowly.

Kaito's life became brighter.


"Say Kudou, why did you suddenly enter my life. I know it's not only because you wanted to be friend with me."

Spending time together everyday made them learned each other outside Kaito's night activities. They became closer until they were comfortable to sleep at each other's house. Except not in the same bed because Shinichi insisted which made Kaito always confused.

So, that's why Kaito was lying on the futon beside Kudou's bed right now.

"I was worried."


Kaito looked at him and surprised how the detective looked at him with too soft eyes that reminded him of Aoko's. The only difference was he could feel his heart stopped slightly.

"Your vibes everytime both of us alone under the moonlight were not like before and I hated it. That's why I wanted to meet you. I wanted to know why and..."

Kaito kept quite while watching the detective became a little bit red.

"I wanted to help you. So, Kuroba, I don't know if it's because of me or not but I'm glad you look happier now."

The smile Kaito received was so bright and Kaito felt his cheeks wet suddenly. He blinked.


He's crying.

Kaito wanted to wipe his tears away but the creaking sound from the bed made him looked up. He watched the detective slowly walked towards him, lied down beside him, cup Kaito's face, stared at those teary eyes before he hugged the other tight, pressing his face against Kaito's chest.

"Aoko-san told me that you once said that you deserve nothing. Then let me tell you. You deserve everything. The rough path you've gone through till now must be painful to you. So it's fine to feel happy you know. Because you deserve that, Kaito."

The way Shinichi said his first name was enough to broke Kaito into tears again. He hugged the detective back and sobbed.

Kaito started to believe that because of Shinichi.


Life went on and Kaito finally made his first magic show while Shinichi became one of the detective in the police force.

Everyone who knew them would know they were lovers.


Kaito was sitting at the dining table. He was watching Shinichi who was preparing their dinner and a smile shaped on his lips. The detective was humming happily. The sound, no one would love that but to Kaito, it was a sound that made his heart felt warmth. Besides, the sound showed that the detective was in good mood and that made Kaito happy too.

He wondered for a moment how much his life had changed after that day when Shinichi was there in front of his school. He had found his life slowly became more colourful. He had found himself smiling more genuine than before. He had found magic was much more entertaining. Moreover, he had found someone that so bright and wanted to be with that person forever.


Shinichi placed the dinner in front of Kaito. Noticing the weird look from his lover, he raised his eyebrows.

"What? Did I do something weird? You're smiling like an idiot, you know."

He sat down with a blush on his face and Kaito chuckled. He loved it when Shinichi questioned something like that with a straight face while his cheeks covered with cute blushes.

"It's just... I'm so thankful to have you here, in my life, here, by my side."

Kaito watched how the other's eyes slowly sparkled and became glassy. His smile became softer.

Because he knew.

How Shinichi sometimes can overthink things despite didn't say anything to Kaito.

How Shinichi thought himself as a trouble magnet and didn't make Kaito happy because all those trouble he caused.

And wasn't that ridiculous?

"I'm so happy you know."

He placed his right hand on top of Shinichi's left and gripped it once tears slowly ran down the detective's cheek.

Kaito watched the love of his life wiped his tears and he felt hot for a moment when Shinichi grinned at him, feeling genuinely happy.

"I'm glad."

Shinichi chirped with such soft, grateful, thankful, hopeful tones.

And that was enough to make Kaito stood up and walked towards Shinichi to kiss him.

Happiness bubbled in his small chest until he thought it was impossible to feel this much happiness in his life.

They continued to eat while talking about their day after that, thinking how lucky they were to have each other right now.


Tbh, it should be quite longer than this but i'm bad at writing long fic.
Sooo here we areeee.

Next oneshot: Wishing

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