My Light

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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! This is not a new year chapter, since the one for new year has not done yet. But hope you enjoy this little oneshot. ^v^

Warning: Crying Shinichi


They were in hospital. One was sleeping on the bed and the other was sleeping on a chair. They were alone in the same room.

"Kai... To"

The soft whispered woke him up and he blinked. Shinichi was smiling at him. He was trying to cup Kaito's face with his shaking hand and Kaito caught it. He brought it to his face.


Kaito gripped his hand.

"Hey to you too, Shinichi."


"Why do you love me?"

Shinichi asked after Kaito finished feeding him.


Shinichi clenched the hospital bed's sheet and looked at Kaito with eyes that was fulled with guilt.

"Why do you love me?"


He hated it.

He hated everytime he woke up and saw Kaito with a sad and worry face. This always reminded him of his life during Conan. When he was helpless when Ran was crying in front of him.

Why he always made other people worried anyway?

Why couldn't he make other people smile?


"Why you asked..."

Shinichi watched Kaito slowly walked towards him. Kaito sit on the chair, beside his bed and took both Shinichi's hands.

"Is there something wrong, Shinchi?"

Shinichi pulled back his hands and clenched the sheet once again. He let out a laugh and that didn't eased Kaito's worry.

"Everyone always get tired of me you know, since I'm troublesome. I always bring trouble wherever I go. There will always death near me. I also end up injured myself and I end up making everyone worry and sad. That's why, Kaito..."

His head that had been low, tilted up and he looked straight to Kaito's eyes. He was wearing sad smile and Kaito hated it.

"Why... Why do you love me so much despite all of that? Despite me making you worried and sad every single time?"

Without second thought, Kaito pulled his lover against his chest. He never see Shinichi cried and the way Shinichi's eyes started to be glassy ached his heart.

"Because you're my light."

He tightened the hug when he felt Shinichi tensed hearing his words.

"You're my light that brighten up my day. My light that always shows beautiful in the painful truth. The light that makes me feel safe to cry. The light that gives me the chance to love once again. The light that gives me courage to fulfill my dream."

Kaito pulled out from the hug to meet Shinichi's eyes. Shinichi just stared at him with wide eyes. Kaito could see he was holding himself from tearing up.

"It's true you're such a troublesome, death magnet, selfless bastard, making me worry from time to time."

Although he said all of it with serious eyes, there was fondness. Shinichi couldn't helped but feeling warm in his heart.

"But You're the most amazing person I've seen. The bravest person I've met. The kindest person I've known. Your smile, your laugh, your blush and your rant about holmes and case. Everything. I love them. "

His eyes soften and he smiled. He kissed Shinichi and Shinichi leaned to it. After the kiss, Shinichi hugged Kaito and Kaito could feel his shirt started to become wet.

"Thank you."

Shinichi said while sobbing. The sobbing was quiet and Kaito couldn't help but sigh softly. He rubbed Shinichi's back while saying comfort words to him.

" I love you so much, Kudou Shinichi."

Once he found Shinichi had slept on his arm, He smiled and tugged his detective on the bed properly. He took Shinichi's hand and hold it. He kissed the knuckled and chuckled when he heard Shinichi's murmuring.

"Love you too, Kaito. "

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