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It was the first time Kaito went to Shinichi's house legally and it was the first time he met Shinichi's parents. It also the first time he slept at the house since Yukiko insisted him from went back home. She also insisted that Kaito and Shinichi should sleep on the same bed.


And that was what happening right now. Their heart was beating fast as this was the first time they slept on the same bed.

"I knew this is going to happen. Sorry about My Mom, Kaito."

Shinichi said, once he felt himself had calm down a little and sighed. Kaito just shook his head and covered his excitement under his poker face.

"It's okay.... Your parents are quite nice, you know."

If Kaito made a sad smile, Shinichi ignored it. Shinchi just stared at the ceiling while Kaito lied on the bed beside Shinichi. Shinichi's heartbeat became faster again when he felt the sudden warmth beside him but he ignored it. He wanted to talk with Kaito about that afterall.


Shinichi called Kaito and pushed all his embarrassment to pull him for a hug.


Kaito's heartbeat became faster.

"Were you jealous? When I was with my parents?"

Shinichi asked him with a calm voice. Kaito breath hitched.

"W-what? Of course not."

"Your mask is amazing but you know I could see through them, right?"

"As expected from you."

Kaito let out a dry chuckled.

"Well, it's just hurt, you know? My dad died because the organisation killed him and my mother kept travelling the world. Sometimes, I couldn't help but to feel like my family was broken and hope to have a real family like yours."

Kaito sighed while Shinichi rubbed his back.

"What's your father's like, Kaito?"

Shinichi broke the silence and Kaito flinched. Shinichi tightened his hold as a support.

"Well... He was cool."

He calmed down and started with a shaky voice.

"He was bright and love to tease others, just like your mother. His magic was the best and He was the best magician I've ever seen and--"

He finally choked and the tears that he'd been hiding all these years started to fell out. Shinichi rubbed his back more.

"And... He died. It was funny how it has been years and here I'm still feeling sad about his death."

Shinichi didn't disturb him. He didn't want to say anything. He just wanted his lover to tear the mask that he'd been wearing all these year. Wanted him to let out the pain he'd been hiding from everyone.

"Is it bad if I said I was really jealous when I see you with your parents."

Shinichi pulled out from the hug to meet Kaito's face properly. His eyes was puffy and his voice was husky. Shinichi shook his head.

"It's not. I don't know the feeling to lose someone very dearly to me but I understand why you feel that...."

Kaito could see understanding in Shinichi's eyes and he hated it how the they look. It was like his when he was lonely. Before he could ask Shinichi what was wrong, Shinichi beat him.

"To be honest, I also jealous of you."

Kaito gave him a confused look.

"Jealous of me?"

Shinichi nodded and looked at the ceiling.

"You're... Amazing, you know. You could hide everything so well except me though since I can see through them easily."

Kaito snorted and Shinichi smiled seeing that.

"You always tried to make people happy no matter how sad you are. You even being KID and made yourself as a bait before just to make sure they didn't hurt civilians. You had been in enough pain and yet you never cried or whined about it so people won't worry about you. That's why I'm jealous of you. You're strong, Kaito."

He turned to face Kaito, who his eyes were sparkling.

"And you're kind. So, It's okay to be jealous and feeling sad sometimes since we're human being afterall. I'm sure your dad would be happy if you started to show more your real face instead all those fake mask, right?"

And Kaito tears started to fall again. He laughed, a bright laugh and Shinichi blushed, feeling like he just said something embarrassing. Kaito opened his eyes and straight to hug the blushing detective.

"I love you."

He whispered softly and that made Shinichi blushed harder. Shinichi tried to push Kaito away but Kaito bit his nape and that made him yelped. He then move down to put his face against Shinichi's chest.


"What did I do to have someone like you? "

He mumbled and chuckled when he hear Shinichi's heartbeat become faster. Shinichi body was hot and when Kaito pulled away, Shinichi sighed, feeling relieved but missed the warmth.

"Thank you, Shinichi."

Kaito looked up at ceiling a moment and turned to Shinichi. Their hands were linking together. Shinichi just blinked with slight pink shade on his face and smiled softly.

"Anytime, Kaito."

Kaito pulled his detective for another hug and both of them fall asleep. They were sleeping like it wasn't their first time and like they had always sleeping together.


The next day, Yukiko and Yusaku caught some pictures of them cuddling together and send the pictures to Chikage. Smiles shaped on both faces, happy for their son and their bestfriend's son as they finally could breath without anyone hunting them down.


Welp I'm sorry. I just love to see Shinichi comforting Kaito or vice versa.

Anyway, see you in the next oneshot~!

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