Cook for me

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I like to believe that Shinichi can cook but decides not to as there are no one would eat with him. He leave alone afterall.

Warning: A little bit crying Kaito and a little bit crying Shinichi.


He had planned to go to the new restaurant with his lover after school. So, here Kaito was, holding Shinichi's hand while standing in front of the restaurant's front door. He was glaring at the 'closed' sign.

"I'm sorry."

He apologised to Shinichi and sighed. Shinichi also had been excited to go here and Kaito felt embarrassed. It was so uncool to let your boyfriend down.

"What about you taste my cooking? You haven't right?"

Shinichi startled when Kaito whipped his head fast to look at him. Kaito blinked and frowned.

"There's so many other restaurants and you want me to taste Your cooking?"

Somehow, that question made Shinichi mad and he glared at Kaito. Suddenly, Shinichi started to walk while pulling him.

I hope my stomach won't hurt later.

Kaito thought in his head and looked at Shinichi who mumbling 'I can cook' and 'I'm not you". It was adorable.... If not because of the dragging part.


Kaito blinked at the food in front of him. He looked at Shinichi. He was waiting for Kaito to taste it with a glare. Kaito slowly reached the utensils and ate.

He blinked.

His eyes went wide.

"Shinichi, this is delicious!"

Shinichi grinned when Kaito kept feeding himself. Shinichi then started to eat his own food too.

"I didn't think your cooking would be this good?"

Shinichi hummed, swallowing his food.

"Surprise? Well I did start cooking when I was 7."

He shrugged and Kaito stared at him.


"It's just.. Weren't you too young? I mean, my mother didn't let me enter and touch anything in the kitchen as she knew I would make a mess. Just like my dad, she always said."

Kaito smiled sadly while staring at his food.

"And you're going to become an amazing magician just like him."

A soft voice and Kaito looked up, meeting Shinichi who was wearing a warm smile. Feeling wam in his heart, A fresh tear fell down on Kaito's cheek and followed by another tear.

"Or maybe even better right, Kaito?"

It always funny how easily Shinichi broke his mask and made him cry. Kaito then grinnned after rubbing his eyes with his sleeve.

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