Part 33

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-maybe when she said that she used to be a real dragon means she died a long time ago...?- Sunny questioned herself. She could feel a cold presence around her wings and neck sending shivers. Sunny looked closely at the map. Turtle has wiped himself off the map completely which made Sunny smile. -that'll keep his magic hidden from everyone... probably... wait... what is that?-

There was a second yellow dot on the paper near the ice kingdom. -another sandwing?- Sunny thought, -wow... that's weird...-

Sunny looked up at her parents, who were lying down next to each other, sleeping. The little golden dragon laid her head down onto the blanket, making it warmer for her, and fell asleep.

(Sunny's dream)

"Hello again, Sunny." Canyon said, wrapping her wing around the small sandwing, "yes I used to be alive..."

"Woah, really?" Sunny looked up at the Icewing, "what happened when you were alive?"

"Well... there was a war..." Canyon looked forward. A forest scene appeared, "do you know the story of the scorching?"

"Yes! That's one of my favourite stories!" Sunny nodded, "wait a minute..."

A blue dragon burst out of the forest and flew over the two watching dragons. He said something and three other dragons came out, another blue dragon, a pink one, and Canyon but younger. They say something to each other but no sound comes out of their mouths. Then the young Canyon was given a small round disk from the first blue dragon.

"Oh! They are from the story!" Sunny looked at the pink dragon, "there was a blue nightwing, a pink seawing and a starry nightwing! The unknown trio! But, why are you there?"

"Unknown? They were far from unknown..." Canyon stared at the pink one, "and whoever wrote that story has just never met any of us..."

"What do you mean?" Sunny said, confused.

"There were more... way more than three..." said the white dragon, "the story said they all hated each other, right?"

"Yeah..." Sunny looked to young Canyon who was paused in place, holding onto the disk, "what is that?"

"That's a coin." Canyon walked around the figment of herself, "it had an engraving on it that was an 'A'... you can guess what that meant... and then I had my power..."

"Animus power..." Sunny went up to the figments talon's, "was there any other animus?"

"No... I was the first to get the power..." Canyon whispered softly, staring down at the pink dragon, "he's still out there in the world somewhere..."

"Did he get a coin too?" Sunny said pointing at the seawings scailes, "I doubt seawings can hatch with black scales, so he's definitely cursed to have no glowing scales, or a hybrid?"

"Instead of glowing scales, he had scales that could blind the watcher.." Canyon looked back at Sunny, "he was given slight immortality... meaning he can get hurt, experience the pain of death, and still be alive... no matter how much you torture him... he'll just come back the next day all fine..."

"That sounds good..." Sunny said, "you know his name, right? All of them?"

"Yes, but that's for tomorrow night..." Canyon said. She clapped her talon's, and Sunny's eyes opened. She was awake.

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