Part 4

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"And mud!" Clay darted downward to the edge of a river, when he landed he laid in the mud, "this is the best!"

"Imagine how I would feel about the sea?" Tsunami dove into the river.

"And the rainforest!" Glory latched onto the nearest tree with her tail, "bet, the rainwing's will not be anything like me!"

Sunny stayed silent, watching her claws as she sat behind the tree Glory was swinging on. Glory realised that Sunny was behind the tree.

"Sunny? Are you ok?" The rainbow dragon whispered, making her way around the tree, "did you... the Boulder open?"

"No... I did it manually.." sunny turned to face glory, "i'm just scared of what would've happened if the elders knew? Would they make me transfer the power to one of them? Or kill me!?"

"Sunny! Listen to yourself! We're all free now!" Glory hugged Sun, "you don't need to worry anymore... ok?"

"Yeah..." the little golden dragon said, "what's that sound?"

"Hm?" Glory looked around, "no I do hear anything.. what do you hear?"
"Small sounds.. not like a dragon..."
"What is it Sunny?"

Sunny ran towards the noise she heard and Glory ran close behind. The two entered a clearing of the trees, where a scavenger was holding a brown sack full of something.

"A Scavenger?" Sunny said as she leaned down to the little animals level, "are they nocturnal?"

"No.. but one of them killed queen oasis..." Glory snatched the small sack and opened it, the scavenger ran away not looking back at the two dragons, "it's just treasure..."

"Could we keep it?" Sunny asked.

"Of Course not!" A new voice said in the thickness of the trees, the trees split showing a large dragon, but still smaller then Kestrel, "that is my treasure!"

"I'm sooo sorry ma'am.." Sunny approached the new dragon, "we didn't want to cause any trouble..."

"Me neither.." the dragon grabbed Sunny's talon with the sack, "but it breaks my heart to make some to others!"

"HEY!" Glory said wacking the red dragon's talon off Sunny's, "DON'T touch my friend!"

Sunny clutched her claw in pain.

"Why would a rainwing and a weird looking sandwing doing in my territory?" The big dragon looked down on the pair, "you know, queen burn would like you in her weirdling collection sandwing.."

"We don't even know who you are!" Glory shouted, Sunny went under Glory's wing.

"Oh! Where are my manners! I'm scarlet, queen scarlet! But you call me your majesty if you want to live." Scarlet said fiercely.

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