Part 8

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Early that morning heat filled the room, so hot that it felt like there was fire lapping at her scales. Sunny slowly opened her eyes to see an orange dragon with sapphire blue eyes staring down at sunny.

"Uhhh... hello?" Sunny said sleepily, "what are you doing here?"

"What did you do to her majesty?!" The new dragon yelled at the small dragon, "what did you do to her!"

"What did I do??" Sunny tilted her head, "I'm not sure what I did, please tell me what I did.."

"She can't wake up.." the fire orange dragon looked down at her talons, "and she said that you said something to make it happen.."

"Well, is it ok?" Sunny asked, "go look at the prisoners."

"I have!" The orange dragon walked closer to the cage, heat waving over Sunny, "they looked better than ever..."

"Is it dawn yet?" Sunny asked.


"So wait till then, then she'll wake."

The fiery dragon looked up from her talon's and to the little caged dragon.

"What's your name?" She asked Sunny.

"Sunny! My name is Sunny!" Sunny yelped, "and your's?"

"Peril.. nice to meet you.." peril slowly walked out of the room, "sleep well.."

"Goodbye peril.." and the door shut, burning marks on the metal part of the door. Sunny lay her head back onto the cold floor of the cage, waiting for the sun to rise and listen out for the scream of the queen.

Hours passed after sunrise and when scarlet woke. FeatherTail came in with a smile and a seamingly full stomach, talking for a while then left. Sunny watched the horizon. Then she saw something out there. A whole flock of dragons. Sandwing's!

As the flock grew closer, Sunny saw that it wasn't Burn but another respected looking dragon. The sound of guard's rushed past the room Sunny was in.

"The leader of the scorpion den is invading!" One guard yelled, "might attack the queen!"

-the leader of the scorpion den?- Sunny echoed in her mind, -who could that be?-

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