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A week and a half later after Addison and Bryce's date, Addison hasn't seen Bryce because she hasn't been feeling well and she also doesn't want to see him because she doesn't know what's wrong with her. She's currently laying in bed while Maddie came over to drop off a smoothie and some food for her.

Maddie: *sitting on the bed* how are you feeling? Do you feel better?
Addison: I feel the same as I was, unfortunately.
Maddie: I'm sorry I thought you would feel better already but I guess I was wrong.
Addison: It's okay I probably just have a stomach bug or something.
Maddie: We'll how long have you been feeling like this?
Addison: Maybe over a week.
Maddie: You should go see a doctor and find out.
Addison: I'll be fine I promise.
Maddie: What if you're pregnant?
Addison: I can't be pregnant I'm young and my life is too busy right now.
Maddie: it could be a possibility you know.
Addison: *sighs* I know I just don't want to find out because what if I am? It'll ruin my relationship and my career.

Maddie: How do you know for sure if it'll ruin your relation ship with Bryce? He loves you so much and adores you. 

Addison: I know I guess I just overthink too much about stuff and the fans how they will react about this if I am. 

Maddie: Don't worry about the fans right now that doesn't matter right now. 

Addison:Thank you

Maddie: Of course, but I also brought you some pregnancy tests just case as well since I know the paparazzi would see you getting them.

Addison: You're the best friend ever. I love you.

Maddie: I love you too. Do you want me to stay here while you take the pregnancy tests for support? 

Addison: No, it's okay I should probably do it alone and find out then think of a way to tell Bryce if I am pregnant.

Maddie: Well if you need anything just call me and I'll be right over. 

Addison: I will

Maddie leaves and Addison closes and locks the door. She runs her fingers through her hair thinking about how she might be pregnant. She thinks it's better to get it over with and find out if she really is. She walks to the bathroom and opens the pregnancy test. She gets the test out and pees on the stick then puts a five minute timer on her phone to wait for the results. While she's waiting she becomes more and more nervous to see what the results are. Addison becomes impatient while waiting for the timer to go off. When she's about to walk out of the bathroom she hears her timer on her phone go off. She turns it off then she takes a deep. breath before turning the test over to look at it. 

Addison: It's now or never.. *says to herself* 

Addison flips over the test and looks at it not believing what the pregnancy test says. She sits against the bathroom wall on the floor with the test next to her and she doesn't know what to do..

Hey guys! I know it's been forever since I've uploaded a chapter to this story or really all my stories. But I've been super busy and dealing with some personal issues of mine. I'll try my best to upload when I can for you guys if you haven't forgotten about this story. 

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