ten | tired

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"I've known for two years, I was selfish and I'm sorry,"

"I can't blame you... But, I hope you're aware of your actions,"


"Won! Hi, where have you been? You don't look okay," Mingyu says after seeing Wonwoo appear all of a sudden at work after being gone for 3 days without telling anyone what happened.

It all began when he had that confrontation with Jisoo. Mingyu was worried after Wonwoo ignored his texts in those three days, as much as he wanted to know what happened to him, he doesn't know where he lives.

"...Not now, Gyu..." The older replied.

Mingyu saw how he looks—dark circles under his eyes, as if he did not have sleep during those days that he was gone.

"You need someone, okay? Come inside our office, I'll get you breakfast." The taller says reassuringly by gently tapping the older's arm before rushing out.


"I won't ask for now, tell me when you're ready, I'm right here, hm?"

Wonwoo sighed in guilt after the younger brought him coffee and a sandwich, even better, comforting him, regardless of ignoring his text messages.

"I'm sorry, Gyu..." He sighs. "Sorry for ignoring you,"

Mingyu softly chuckled, "I like you too much that I've completely forgotten about that already," He says as he shifts his gaze sidewards.

"It's okay. But please, you have to know that I'm always right here. Even if I'm the junior," He giggled. Wonwoo just gave him a small smile in response.

But things began to be hard for Mingyu after he felt as if Wonwoo has been confusing him, or something.

Mingyu thought that the older was messing around him for being tired and dull when he was with him, but whenever he sees him with his female friend, they seem like the couples you see in the movies.

Mingyu felt upset and defeated, thinking that he has nothing to do with it because Yu-ri have known him longer than Mingyu did, and she seems to make him happier than he could.


"You're the best, Jeon Wonwoo! Thank you..."

"Anything for you, Yu-ri,"

Both of them were even whispering to one another to the point that Mingyu can no longer hear them—even if he shouldn't.

He felt really jealous, but when he saw the change on Wonwoo's face when the woman already left, he was softened.

Why are you doing this to me? He asked in his mind.


Another round of 'it has been days had passed' happened again between the two boys. All Wonwoo said to Mingyu was nothing but just a daily dose of smiling.

Mingyu on the other hand doesn't know where to start after seeing Wonwoo always with Yu-ri in an unusual way—not the bond he has seen before—in the past few days.

But now, he had the courage to do what he has been planning to do.

"Wonu," He calls, but the older did not respond.

"Wonwoo-ya," He repeated, but he was spacing out.

Mingyu decided to walk towards his desk and leaned over to level their faces.

"Kitten," Mingyu speaks, his voice a little deeper now.

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