four | date

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"Sorry for sharing my plate, it's all piled up,"

When both of them reached the rooftop, Wonwoo started a conversation between them after a moment of silence.

"It's fun, Won, I get to have an experience," He replies.

'Won?' He thought. He felt the warmth of his cheeks but he brushed it off.

"May I ask when is our day off, senior Won?" He asks after a short moment of pause.

"Why? It's tiring, isn't it?" Wonwoo chuckles.

"No, but, do you mind? I want to hang out with you, I want us to be close friends too," He confidently told to his senior.

"My day off was moved on Saturday, but only for this week, so we're both off,"

"That sounds really great! Where should we go?" Mingyu immediately asked Wonwoo as if he asked him out for a date.

Because of the way he delivered his question, it made Wonwoo let out soft chuckles, sending Mingyu to space out, staring at his small smile.

"It's up to you," Wonwoo answered shortly.


Jeon Wonwoo, Nam Yu-ri

2:19 PM

Jeon Wonwoo
Yu'ri, I won't be available tomorrow, please do understand.

2:30 PM

Nam Yu-ri
Traitor :(

Jeon Wonwoo
I'm not hahaha
We'll hang out next week :)

Nam Yu-ri


"Wow, Mingyu, what's with the outfit," Wonwoo asked with his wide-eyed gaze, his mouth forming a small 'o' out of amusement.

Amazed by his casual outfit-white tee and slacks-Mingyu chuckled, "What's special about this?"

Wonwoo realized it was only a simple outfit, but it was his visual that brought his aura strong.

Somehow he felt shy for overcomplimenting Mingyu because of being flustered by his looks.

"Nice outfit too, senior, you look really handsome," Mingyu chuckles after complimenting Wonwoo's decent black cardigan with a white tee under, slacks, and his usual specs.

Wonwoo brushed it off, "Yeah, sure,"


"So where are we going?" Wonwoo asked as the both of them are walking on the sidewalk.

"My home,"

"Where?" Wonwoo choked on his own saliva out of shock.

"I want to show you some of my works, hyung!" Mingyu said with so much excitement.

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