three | stress

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"Wonwoo, yuhoo! Anybody home?" Yu-ri knocks on Wonwoo's office door.

It was a new day, and as Yu-ri said, she'll stop by his office to help him.

"Stop doing such a scandalous thing," A guy passed by her, she realizes who it was.

"Really rude," She glared at Minghao who was already steps away from her.

"Wonwoo? I've been waiting—oh," Yu-ri says in disappointment after seeing someone else instead of her friend to open up the door for her.

"Hi, um, come in," Mingyu stiffly smiled at the young woman.


"I'm a friend of Wonwoo's! Are you the new director?" Yu-ri asked.

"Yes, um... Was he not with you?" Mingyu asked back, somehow, he was concerned.

"Awe, did he wake up late again?" Yu-ri asked herself.

"I'm Mingyu," He introduced himself.

Yu-ri gave him a teasing smile, "Mhm, your name sounds really cool, huh,"

"Thanks," He gave her another stiff smile.

"Aish, Yu-ri, I told you to wait outside," Wonwoo sighs when he saw Yu-ri sitting on his swivel chair.

"But why is your new friend here already, huh? You guys are being mean to me," She rolls her eyes.

"Who's being mean?" Wonwoo puts his bag down. "Good morning," he greeted Mingyu who is sitting on the other side of the office.

"Minghao too!"

"Yu-ri, this office is for three people, and since this was given to me alone, the room still needs two more, so why won't he be here already? He's just a director like I am," Wonwoo explains calmly.

"I'm a director too, so why would I wait outside when there's still room for one, huh?" Yu-ri fires back with an arched brow, sending Mingyu to contain his laughter.

Wonwoo ignored it. "Mingyu, she's Nam Yu-ri, my friend, and somehow I feel embarrassed for that fact," He says dryly. "She volunteered to help me, or rather, us," He shrugged before sitting on his swivel chair.

"We'll be good friends, I swear, better than us," She shifts her gaze to Wonwoo.

"He's not here to make friends," Wonwoo whispered.


When Yu-ri's task was done, Wonwoo and Mingyu were left alone.

"Should we take a break?" Mingyu suggested.

"We haven't even begun the major part," Wonwoo replied, starting to feel stressed.

"You don't look okay right now, you need some fresh air," Mingyu says.

Wonwoo stopped from staring at his screen and turned around his swivel chair to face Mingyu, who's trying to play an innocent look but handsome as hell for having a grey polo on him that contrasts his dark skin.

"I know that, but that won't help us finish these pending," He brushed it off.

When Wonwoo was just about to turn back to his computer, Mingyu already took his hand to pull him outside their office.

"Kim Mingyu! Stop!"

"It's not bad to have fun for a while, Won," Mingyu chuckles as they run their way up the rooftop.

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