eight | quivering hearts

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It has been a couple of seconds, but Wonwoo still hasn't digested what Mingyu told him. His mind went completely blank, unable to respond properly.

"I said..." Mingyu's nervousness ran through him again, unable to repeat what he already said. "I like you," He stammers.

"You mean... Romantically?"

Mingyu nodded.

Wonwoo didn't know what to say. He was too anxious to say something that might hurt him, he ran out of words.

After a moment of silence, Mingyu was taken aback. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry to make you feel pressured, I acted based on my impulse again," Mingyu says in disappointment.

Wonwoo leaned off the wall to take a look at Mingyu.

"Don't be..." He whispers. "I was just... Startled, I wasn't expecting it," Wonwoo tells him with so much guilt.

Mingyu shows a weak smile, unable to say what's next, filled with guilt and discomfort for his sudden confession of feelings, afraid that tomorrow, Wonwoo might avoid him already.

His gaze slowly shifted upwards, meeting Wonwoo's narrow, serene eyes, that calmed his rapid heartbeat.

"Let's go outside, Gyu," Wonwoo tells him, so they could speak a little comfortable with only the two of them around. This time, it was Wonwoo who pulled him on their way out.


"Why me, Gyu? Am I attractive to you?" Wonwoo softly chuckled when they were sitting alone on the bench of Yu-ri's veranda.

"I don't even know. Do I need to have a specific reason to like you?" He snortles, but immediately looks away after getting all red.

They were hushed for a while after Mingyu's question led to a short pause in their conversation, only the sound of the whispering wind could be heard.

"I like the way you make me like you," He broke the silence. "Everything you do,"

Wonwoo felt the warmth of his ears, guessing that right now, they're probably as red as tomatoes.

"...You could be straight, I know that... But I promise that I won't do anything impulsive that would make us awkward. What I did earlier would be the last one," Mingyu chuckles, but deep inside he feels like as if he was just gaslighting himself up.

"We don't know that," Wonwoo replied. "I'll figure it out, okay?" He added, leaving no more clues to Mingyu.


After a day when Mingyu did a sudden confession to Wonwoo, he realized, it did not turn out to be bad after all. Even so, he's planning to help him figure out if 'he is', like he replied.

It was early in the morning and as usual, Wonwoo is still at home. He usually goes to work at 9 AM because he is a sleepyhead, lucky enough that work hours start at 9:30.

When he woke up at 8, he did his daily routine—bath, coffee, dress up, and leave.

There was a small beam on his lips the moment he thought about work—well, we all know why. When he arrived in his office, there was nothing—rather, no one. Mingyu was not there.

But a small paper bag lying on top of his desk caught his attention.

He walked closer and saw a sheet of neon-yellow sticky note, and something was written on it.

'Good morning, Won!
Please have this, I know you only had coffee :)
- Mingyu'

How funny to know that a sandwich with a letter could make his heart flutter so much.

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