one | meeting the junior

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It was supposed to be Jeon Wonwoo's day off when he was called by the higher-up from his company, to guide the new-hired director.

He combed his jet-black hair-which looks good without fixing-wore his ID and headed out of his apartment.

"Sucks to be you," His Chinese friend says nonchalantly without even turning his gaze to him, heading out of the building after spending the whole night editing.

"Good morning to you too," Wonwoo replied dryly.

"The director's in your office," He stopped walking to remind Wonwoo.

"What? Mr. Jung said he'll be in the editing room," He says with confusion.

"I was still editing when he came at 8, I'm already exhausted at the time, I didn't want to be with anyone around me,"

"Minghao!" Wonwoo stomped his foot.

Considering how his friend prefers to be alone through busy work days, he already expected that. Still, the fact that Wonwoo has his personal stuff inside the office, he doesn't want people to come in without his permission, knowing that the new-hired is also a director like he is.

"The guy seems not like the others who always copy your work," Minghao gives out an annoying chuckle.

"Still, Hao," he shrugged his shoulders. "Go home safe, don't sleep on the bus,"


The usual-polite Wonwoo knocked on his office door before he entered, knowing that there was someone else inside.

"G-Good morning," A tall man with a nice smile greeted him.

"Good morning," Wonwoo greeted back. "You've been standing here all along?"

From what he heard, the man came at 8, it was already 9 because of the sudden call from his boss.

"Yes, uh," the young man chuckled. "It'd be embarrassing if I sit down," He joked, but Wonwoo disregarded him. As usual.

"So, Director Kim Mingyu," Wonwoo speaks after a moment of silence. "Mr. Jung left a notice. We'll be working together on a photography concept regarding the upcoming drama this year for a week,"

The young man nodded with a small beam formed on his lips, "That'd be great! You're my senior, right? So, you'd be training me?" His excitement has taken over.

"You're talkative, Mingyu," Wonwoo was supposed to joke but he said it so dry it sounded like a sarcastic line.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry," The young man stuttered.

Wonwoo felt bad, sending him to bite the insides of his cheeks.

"I, um... I mean, it was a joke," He stiffly smiled.

It was awkward for Wonwoo, but luckily, Mingyu was neutral enough to not take it seriously.


"Lee Chan does it best, we should give the newly recruited dancer to him,"

While in a meeting with his co-workers, the producers of his team, Wonwoo decided to bring Mingyu with him on his second day of work, so he can finally sketch some ideas, knowing that he's a fresh graduate.

"Um, guys, excuse me, but since we're just going to talk about their choreographer, can I excuse myself and Kim Mingyu now?" Wonwoo says.

"Right, he has a photo shoot for Hong Jisoo," One of the producers says.

"And the concept for the upcoming drama," Wonwoo added.

When the two of them were excused, there was a moment of silence caught between them, not until Wonwoo spoke.

"Should we get some snacks first? My treat,"

Mingyu's eyes glimmered, "That sounds nice,"


"I wasn't expecting that you'd be older than me," Mingyu began a conversation while having their iced vanilla latte and butter bread with them.

"Because I'm short?" Wonwoo raised a brow.

"Well, you aren't technically short, I just happened to be long,"

"Tall, you mean," Wonwoo cracked up chuckling.

Mingyu was put into realization, making him let out a small chuckle, then noticed Wonwoo's smile.

"So that's how you smile. You aren't a smiley person, huh?" Mingyu asks.

"Most people can't really tell my emotions, but I do smile," He tells him.

"Oh, it must feel great if I could tell what you feel," He comments aside. "How great would it be to be your friend, right, hyung?"

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