five | wandering jealousy

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By looking at the frames and canvasses hanging around a whole room, Wonwoo was amazed by how creative Mingyu is.

Mingyu's apartment is really huge. His art room is apart from his bedroom, and compared to his bedroom, the art room is as twice as spacious.

"You took all these?" Wonwoo asked as he was mesmerizing one of his collages.

"I love photography too. This is why I did enjoy being with Xu Minghao in the editing room when he was working on Hong Jisoo's shoot," Mingyu replied with so much inspiration.

"These are so cool, Gyu. You're pretty creative, huh," Wonwoo said.

His lips curved upward, "Gyu?" He says, disregarding Wonwoo's compliment.

"To shorten," Wonwoo chuckled softly.

"It's the second time I've heard it, hyung," Mingyu uttered.

"Does it make you uncomfortable?" Wonwoo's smile immediately faded, turned into an expression of worry.

"No, I actually prefer it," His lips rose.

Wonwoo was about to say something about Mingyu's other work-the monochrome piece, but his phone rang all of sudden. Wonwoo excused himself to pick up.

"Yes?" He answered.

It was Nam Yu-ri. Mingyu, on the other hand, tries his best not to eavesdrop, brushing off every word he hears from Wonwoo.

"Sorry, it was Yu-ri. She told me about her project about Jisoo. It was done and sent on my email," He explained.

"You don't have to explain, Won! I completely understand," He lies, even though he gets an irked feeling toward Wonwoo's female friend.

"Um, I like this one. Others may find it lifeless because of the hue, but the main shot really shows a strong impact of emotions," Wonwoo shifted the topic. "Can you make projects like these when you're finally working alone?"

Mixed emotions containing startle, excitement, and joy were rummaging over Mingyu.

"R-Really?" He stammers out of happiness.

"You're not just a director," Wonwoo chuckled.

"Thanks, senior Won," Mingyu pursed his lips to hide a smile.

"Drop the 'senior' term," Wonwoo laughs so soft that Mingyu finds it more than decent.

"Why?" He asks, chuckling.

"You have impressed me enough, I'm sure that soon, others will be too,"


"Mingyu-ah! Wonwoo hasn't arrived yet? Why are you here alone? It's lunch break!"

It has been a week since Mingyu was hired by the company, and for a starter, he's directing photoshoots since his day six.

Good news, his first project turned out pretty well. It was only a concept photo for a mini album of Kwon Soon Young, a soloist.

Now, he's working on a Korean group's album's concept photo, while Wonwoo is directing another group's music video after their two weeks of practice.

"He was really busy, I asked if he needs help, but he's been ignoring me," Mingyu responded with upsettingness in his voice.

"Like Minghao," She rolls her eyes. "You know Hao-hao, right?"

"The editor and photographer, yes," He replied.

"Don't mind them, right now, we're best friends," Yu-ri playfully winked at Mingyu, taking out the lunchboxes that she brought.

"Let's eat, 'kay? My grandma made these, and these are Wonwoo's faves. Sad that he chose his passion over me," She dramatically said, later bursting out laughing.

"Really?" Mingyu asked in amusement.

"Yup. He and I were best friends since college," She says, and somehow, it made Mingyu feel bothered once again, even if he shouldn't be.

"You seem to be friends with everyone," Mingyu joked.

She shook her head, "Not really, I'm just friends with Wonwoo's friends since I'm certain that he makes good friends, considering that he rarely makes one," Yu-ri chuckled.

"There's... Um, only Minghao, then there's Hong Jisoo, the soloist? Then Jihoon, a producer," She mentions every one of them. "Then you,"

Mingyu nodded in response. Because of eating, and enjoying what they eat, a moment of silence was caught between them. Not until Mingyu broke it by asking.

"Um, are you single?"

With his sudden question, Yu-ri was stunned for a moment, causing her mind to go blank. She scoffed when was taken aback.

"That's so straightforward," She laughs.

Asking such a question that sounds a bit rude was not his intention, but because of Mingyu's interest in Yu-ri and Wonwoo's relationship, he had gotten too far.

"I'm sorry, I was just... It just popped in my head," Mingyu smiled apologetically. "Sorry for being rude,"

Yu-ri chuckled, "No, it was fine. I was just startled," She says as she swallows her food. "I'm nice, successful, I have friends. Why am I not taken, right? Well, I do have a crush on someone, if you are asking, but let's keep it a secret,"

That left Mingyu more curious, sending him to conclude crazy things in his head. Is it Wonwoo? Does he like her too? Will she tell him?

But out of respect and after having enough of his impulsive behavior, he left his questions unanswered by Yu-ri. He didn't want to make her unlike him even if she sometimes cross his mind and make him think about crazy things.

Then again, his head was clouded with thoughts when Wonwoo finally came inside their office.

"Oh, Wonwoo-ya!" Yu-ri giggled and waved at him.

Mingyu stared at her, as if he is studying if she likes him or not.

"You're here again, geez," Wonwoo muttered.

Maybe he doesn't like her? He said in the back of his mind.

"I only brought you lunch! Get out if you hate me, I'll just cherish it with Mingyu," She glared at him.

Wonwoo sighed and pinched her cheek, "I was kidding,"

But what if he does? He thought again.

His mind was full of questions, causing him to space out.

"Hi, Gyu," Wonwoo smiled at him, but he was too occupied by his thoughts, that he did not notice.

"Mingyu?" Wonwoo called again, but he was still spacing out.

"Um, Gyu?" Wonwoo gently tapped his hand, sending him to startle.

"Are you okay?" He asked him, his eyes locked into Mingyu's.

"I guess my gran's dish made him forget everything because of how delicious it is," Yu-ri chuckles after taking a bite.

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