Chapter 93

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My body is stiff when I wake. The heat from my shower does nothing to relieve the aching tension wound through my entire body. My face feels a lot more swollen than it looks, blueing bruises blemish the side of my face, my stomach and over my hand. My hand hurts the most, it aches even with the most minor movements but it's not broken thank goodness.

To my disappointment Seven is nowhere to be found in my flat. I had hoped after last night that he'd be sticking a little more closely to me but after reading his note about having work things to do I should have known last nights attack would be more motivation for him to progress with his plans against Victor. I shudder at the thought of what those plans may do to my Seven. I wish there were some other way, but deep down I know there isn't. Victor will always be a threat as long as he lives. Not just a threat to us, but everyone and anyone whom may find themselves in his way. My hand instinctively brushes over my scar at my side. A reminder of exactly the kind of monster Victor is. Perhaps Seven is right. There really is no other way to keep everyone safe and to respect the rules of their life without taking out Victor. I just wish it didn't have to be Seven, but I understand why it has to be him. No one else will ever get close enough, no one else will probably be brave enough and no one else has more of a right for seeking both revenge and justice against Victor then Seven.

I rake the brush through my hair, detangling the semi wet mess before it fully dries in knots. Change into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with a small embroidered butterfly on it. It reminds me instantly of Seven's tattoo, possibly why I brought the top in the first place. I grab some books in the hopes to distract myself from thoughts of Seven with some study but I don't even get to absorb the fist page of reading when a pounding at my door has me jumping from the small dining table.

At first I'm hesitant to answer as the knocking is more of an aggressive pummelling against the thin wooden door. But when Curby's voice sounds over the strikes requesting me to quickly open the door, I do just that.

"What's wrong?" I take in his urgency, Mesha standing right behind him in my doorway.

"We need to go. Now." Curby begins to take my arm but I yank it away from his touch.

"Go? What? Where?" The panic begins to coil its way into my joints, setting me on edge, waiting to react.

"I have to take you up the coast. To your house. We need to go now. I'll explain on the way." He reaches for my arm again but I step back before his touch finds me, leaving him a little irritated with the huff coming from his lips.

My house.

That could only mean one place. The safe house Seven had brought for me in my name. If we were to be heading to the safe house then... Then something must be happening. Has Seven found Victor? Or even worse, has Victor found Seven?

"Lily, you need to come with us." Mesha gently propounds, her brown eyes fearful of my resistance. I know I need to go with them, Seven has probably ordered for Curby to take me. I have to listen to Seven, but I can't just leave. What if I can never come back here? I glance back at my apartment.

"I'll come. Just- Just give me a second." I insist and quickly run through my apartment. My hands grab my bag as I do, tipping it upside down to rid the school books that fill it, discarding them to the floor without another thought and run to my bedroom. I grab my mothers jewellery box from the top of my chest of draws, before fishing into my sock draw and pulling out the paper work of my name changes and stuff them into my bag. If someone working for Victor were to find this they'd find me a lot easier. Next is my fathers journal resting next to my bed where I read it most nights. Then my cellphone, my passport, wallet and laptop. I stomp my feet into a pair of trainers not caring about the fold in the back I've created with my heel before running back out to Curby and Mesha. I grab the beach photograph of my grandmother and myself off the wall as I pass, shoving it into the bag too.

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