Chapter 49

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"Maybe next time I'll wait till the song is over." I groan into Lily's neck as her hand delicately strokes me.

"Mm." She hums as my mouth sucks harshly at her warm skin. She'd been dancing all of about forty seconds before I practically tackled her and dragged her to the bedroom. Her teasing smirk dropped from her face as soon as I stood up, knowing what was about to happen.

Hurried hands search for the zip of her thin dress but when I struggle to find the damn thing my impatience has me literally tearing the weak material from her body.

"I liked that dress." Lily pouts looking down at the torn material now laying at her feet.

"Me too." I agree and attach my lips back to her neck. She pulls at the hem of my t-shirt, lifting it over my back before I help her get rid of it. Letting it join her ruined dress on the floor. Her arms fold behind her back as she unclasps her bra, letting it fall from around her arms. I lean forward, my mouth moving over her collarbone and down to her breast. Plastering kisses over the soft mound of flesh before moving to the side where the skin raises in a pink scar. Lily's fingers dig into my hair as I kiss over the mark engraved into her perfect skin. I find the scar on her so attractive, I can't explain why.

"So fucking beautiful." My words wash over the mark before pressing my lips to it once more.

"Please Harry." Lily whines impatiently and her eagerness turns me on even more. I've never felt this need for someone, and so often. I've been interested to fuck girls before. Meeting them at a bar and wondering how their mouth would feel around me as they talked at me. But after the deed was done that would be it. I would no longer be curious - if I even were to begin with - and that would be it. I'd lose interest after that and I was perfectly fine with living my life that way. Building no connections, not even remembering their names or faces, not thinking another thought about them after we were done.

But with Lily, it's the complete opposite. It's like no matter how many times I've had her, how many times I hear my name fall from her lips I want more. I want to feel her from every angle, I want to know what she likes - what brings her to climax the fastest. I want to be with her as much as she'll let me for as long as we get together.

My mouth drags over to her breast again before pushing her back onto the bed. Obediently she lays back and begins to shuffle herself up the bed but I grab her ankles and pull her legs back to dangle over the edge. She lets out a little squeals from the force before her eyes widen at the sight of me kneeling down between her legs. My hands run up her soft thighs, hooking my fingers into her panties and tugging them down her legs. Her legs open for me and I connect my mouth to the projection of her hip bone. Lily pants as my tongue swirls over her warm skin in a trail down to her inguen.

I can smell her arousal before I see it. She smells so good to me, but the taste, the taste of her is like nothing I've ever experienced before. I've eaten out a few girls in my lifetime, not often but when I have in the past it's never been something I took much delight in if I'm being honest. And yet doing it to Lily somehow manages to bring me my own pleasure. I pant a few kisses across her pubic bone, listening to her impatient groans before I give her what she wants. I attach my mouth to her wet core and her taste layers my tongue.

"Oh fuck." Lily pants and rakes her fingers into my hair, causing my shoulders to tingle. My tongue laps at her wetness, she tastes so good. So fucking sweet to anyone else before, I never knew someone could taste like this but it's a huge fucking turn on to me that Lily tastes this way. My tongue licks furiously at her clit, collecting as much of her sweet nectarine-like substance she produces. Lily moans loudly and yanks at my hair, causing my dick to strain against my restrictive jeans. I keep my mouth to Lily while my hands make work of undoing the button and zip, pulling them down my thighs. I grip myself in my hand and offer my own release of the tension building there as my lips pucker against Lily. Sucking her clit into my mouth and she literally screams out in pleasure. I want to make her come this way but I know I myself won't last long so instead I pull my mouth from her. Not giving her a moment to whine about the removal of my mouth I stand up and rub my dick over her wetness, wiping her from around my mouth before leaning over to retrieve a condom from the side drawer. I waste no time putting it on and positioning myself back in front of Lily, slowly I sink into her.

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