Chapter 10

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Seven stalks into his office, stopping to hold the door open for me. I glance up at him warily before stepping into the room. He closes the door behind me as soon as I walk in.

"Sit down." Seven instructs and I walk over to the black sofa. My toe catches on the back of my heel as I walk and I stumble slightly but steady myself quickly to continue walking. Maybe those shots are hitting me a little harder with my blood racing wildly around my body since I naively entered that basement. Oh god, that basement. The thought of it makes me... Well actually I don't think I really know how I'm feeling right now.

"Are you drunk?" Seven notices my small fumble.

"No." It's not a lie, I'm not drunk. But I'm not sober either.

"Have you been drinking?" He changes his question as his eyes regard me while I sit down on the sofa.

"I had a few shots." I shrug and he frowns, his hands come to rest on his hips.

Despite the clear disapproval on his face he looks incredibly hot. He's wearing black slacks, a black button up dress shirt and a black blazer over top. Fingers adorned with his usual selection of gold chunky rings. His hair looks a little more put together than usual, like he's actually brushed it which I don't think he usually does. I know I should be worried about what is about to happen and not about how good he looks right now but my brain is a bit slow right at this moment and his looks are always distracting.

"I guess that might make this conversation a little easier." He quietly sighs to himself, running a hand through his hair and I gulp.

Seven walks over to the front of his desk, turning to face me on the sofa and he sits on the edge of it as his eyes find my face.

"What did you hear? Down in the basement just before." Seven asks.

"Nothing." I lie shaking my head.

"Lilianna this is going to be a lot easier if you don't lie to me." Seven warns and grips the edges of the desk either side of him.

"I-I don't know what I heard." That's not technically a lie. I didn't understand any of it.

"Why don't you just repeat the specifics of the conversation you were eavesdropping on." Seven suggests.

"Something about cocaine, a shit load of money and the cartel." I spill.

"Oh and some man called Victor." I add. I feel like I should be scared, worried or uncomfortable about this very serious conversation I'm starting with Seven but I don't. I feel surprisingly calm even though my heart is still pumping a little faster then usual. But it always does this when I'm alone with Seven.

"Hmm." Seven nods and looks to the floor with a frown. I get the feeling he was hoping I'd say I had heard less.

"What does any of that even mean?" I question and Seven looks up at me.

"What do you think it means, Lilianna?" He turns my own question onto me and I frown.

"Lily." I correct him out of habit. It annoys me how he calls me by my full name. But I kind of like the way it sounds coming from his mouth. Not that I'd ever admit that.

"I don't know what it means that's why I asked you. I don't understand why you have a guy tied up in the basement of your strip club. I don't know why you're asking him about the cartel and drugs and money. And I don't know who Victor is. I don't know what is going on!" I sound exasperated by the time I finish. My palms rest on my knees as I look at him waiting for an explanation.

He stays silent and runs a frustrated hand through his hair again. The way he's acting has me on edge and his silence is irritating me.

"So are you going to tell me what the fuck is going on here?" I question. I don't know where I'm getting this confidence to be so demanding of him. It must be the shots.

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