Chapter 53

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The merciful tranquility one experiences when blacked out is both mandatory and a mockery. Mandatory to rest the persons overworked, overwhelmed and traumatised mind. But a mockery simply because you're not conscious to really appreciate the calmness to its full effect. It's like working day in and day out for months and finally going on holiday, only you don't actually experience the holiday. Blacking out is just that. It's a complete blank in the brain where every thought is switched off and your consciousness is stored away in that back room it goes to when you're asleep.

Waking up from blacking out is not as peaceful. Your brain switches back on, your consciousness breaks down the door of that back room in a fit of panic and your body physically prepares itself for a flight or fight situation. Ironically, it is a little too late for such reactions.

Things are foggy at first but it all rushes back in a second. Seven, Grim, running from being shot at. Then it moves to the present; the sights, smells and sounds of the new surroundings post black out.

My heart rate slows as I inspect the familiar surroundings of Mesha's bedroom. Turning to find her fast asleep in bed next to me. How did she get me here? What time is it?

I sit up and my head spins.

"Mm." I groan and rub at my temple, squeezing my eyes shut to try stop the vertigo.

"Lily?" Mesha mumbles next to me. I look over at her as she rubs her eyes and sits up in the bed next to me.

"You okay?" Mesha asks and I nod.

"Yeah. Just a little dizzy. How long was I out? What's the time?" I ask her and she grabs her phone from the side of the bed.

"It's five in the morning. You were out for about ten minutes while the doormen helped me carry you up here. You woke up but said you wanted to sleep." She yawns.

"Oh." I don't even remember waking up.

"Are you okay? I didn't know if I should call a doctor or something." Mesha admits.

"No, I'm fine. I think I was just a bit overwhelmed." And shocked, and emotionally stressed as well as regularly stressed, and absolutely terrified.

"Have you heard anything?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"I tried to charge your phone but you have a different charging port." She says and hands me my phone also on the night stand. Despite her telling me it's flat I still check it to see it's on two percent battery. It will die very soon.

"I have one in my car I think." I run my hand over my hair.

"What am I supposed to do?" I turn to Mesha.

"Stay here." She answers easily and I shake my head.

"No, like but with everything. I can't stay here forever, I'll need to go home to get shit eventually and like I'll obviously have to move out. I was meant to pay for classes yesterday afternoon and how am I meant to just carry on as if my boyfriend isn't missing?" I ask, not even registering that I've referred to Seven as my boyfriend.

"I don't know Lil. But he'll show up soon. You might just have to give it some time before he can talk to you again. That Grim guy said Victor has them? Maybe after that they'll get in contact." She suggests.

"No but Victor is crazy Mesh. Like he's absolutely mental." I insist, I don't think Mesha understands the kind of situation Seven and Curby are in.

"Who is he?" She asks.

"Seven's uncle. He is the leader of their gang. Seven is even scared of him, which says a lot."

"And he doesn't want Seven in a relationship with you?" Mesha tries to put it together.

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