Chapter 2

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The rest of my week continues in the more mundane fashion I'm use to. With the exception of my erratic emotional crying fits that consume me in the later periods of the day. But for the most part my life has slipped back into its usual quiet self while I figure out what my life is to consist of now.

I've applied to a ball park of fifty different jobs so far and have heard nothing back from any of them. Tiffany assures me it takes a good week or two before applicants receive anything back. I'm not sure how she would know though, the girl has never worked a day in her life.

I met Tiff my first day at uni. We sat next to each other in our Art History lecture, where she proceeded to tell me she was only in the class to get some inspiration for her fashion major and wasn't taking the academic side too seriously. Because to be honest even without a fashion degree, Tiffany's parents would be able to set her up with her own label. But they felt more comfortable to say their daughter had some kind of education to back up their inevitable involvement in their daughters success.

However despite Tiffany and myself coming from completely different backgrounds and upbringings we still managed to forge a friendship.

"What time will you be arriving babes?" Tiff's voice comes through my phone sitting on my dresser as I focus on drawing the black lines over my eyelids.

"Like half an hour? I still have to figure out what to wear." I confess and pull back from the mirror to look at the job I've done framing my eyes.

"What we're you thinking?" She questions.

"Maybe a black dress—"

"I'm already wearing a black dress." Tiffany interrupts and I roll my eyes. Having a friend who is very fashion conscious is sometimes a burden. Tiff can be a bit much with her rules of no outfit repeating or wearing similar outfits while out together. I outfit repeat all the time because unlike her I don't have an unlimited supply of clothes but I respect her not wanting us to dress the same.

"I could wear the red one?" I suggest instead.

"The red slip? Oh my god, yes! I love that one on you. Tom's going to be there, he'll also appreciate the red dress." She teases innocently as I coat my lips with gloss.

"We kissed once and I hated it. I don't even know why I kissed him." I whine frustrated with myself for the mistake I made weeks ago with our friend Tom. I don't know why I did it. He's always been interested in me but I don't see him like that and I guess I just had a lapse in judgment. Or a few too many drinks. He becomes quite persistent after a few drinks himself, I guess he gets more confident from them and I don't know maybe the confidence threw me into thinking kissing him was a good idea.

It wasn't though. I'm an only child but it was what I imagine kissing a brother would be like and it's a mistake I definitely don't want to repeat.

"He's always liked you it was just a matter of time." Tiffany concludes through the phone and I frown.

"I've never liked him like that though." I defend. Do people think I like Tom?

"I know that, but sometimes you just never know what you like and don't like till you try it." She explains. I guess that's true. And in regards to Tom, I now know it's something I definitely don't like.

"Mmm well it won't be happening again. It was a stupid drunk kiss and I just hope he knows that." I groan, taking my red slip dress out my closet and tossing it on the bed to change into.

"I doubt it. I'm sure he's in love with you now since he finally got to kiss you. Anyway I'm almost there so I'll see you soon. Text me when you arrive so I can come find you." Tiffany tells me.

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