Chapter 8

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I'm nervous walking into the club tonight. My mind has been going crazy thinking about what happened between Seven and I in the store room last Wednesday and then how he's ignored me while I worked the rest of the last week.

Well ignore might not be the right word, because he still watched me from afar. But he's definitely been keeping his distance. So much so that at the end of my Saturday shift when I went to find him to collect my pay Curby came to the bar to pay me instead.

When I talked to Mesha about it she was shocked. She reminded me that the men aren't allowed to get close with workers, and that to get close with someone like Seven is very dangerous. I kind of found that interesting, he runs a strip club and manages escorts but I haven't seen anything dangerous about him really. The guy is intimidating as heck when he wants to be, but the guy I've talked to who smirked at my jokes of running him over with my shitty little car and asks for a water at a bar doesn't seem that dangerous.

But Mesha insisted him keeping his distance is a good thing and that I shouldn't even be entertaining any ideas of my boss. I know she's right, she usually is with this kind of stuff I've come to realise. And when I walked into work on Wednesday, a week after our moment in the store room, Seven wasn't even at the club so it was a lot easier to stay away from him.

I had asked the server if she had seen Seven and she told me he'd probably left the city again. Apparently he actually only comes to visit the club once every month or two and doesn't usually stay more than one day unlike how he has been the past couple weeks. She went off on some tangent about Seven's uncle that I didn't understand at all not that I could even concentrate, I was a little preoccupied digesting his absence. I ignored the slight deflation I felt in my chest at her revelation that I wouldn't be seeing Seven around for at least a month.

But today is Friday now and much to my surprise when I pulled up at the back of the club Seven's car was parked in its usual spot at the back of the lot. This is the reason I'm nervous. I don't know what to expect with him when I see him. Will he ignore me like he did last week? Will he just disappear like he did the last two days?

I remind myself of what Mesha told me, that I shouldn't be entertaining any ideas about Seven. And I physically shake my head to rid my mind of any thoughts of him before walking into the club.

It's already busy but I've learnt that's standard for Friday's and Saturday's at the club, they're always the busiest. I don't bother to search the club for any familiar faces and instead focus myself on getting behind the bar and getting to work on the list of drink orders I know will be waiting for me.

"I have two trays waiting already." The brunette servers says as I pull glasses out. I've learnt her name is Kitty. It's not her real name obviously but it's what she goes by here. She's taken it upon herself to refer to me as Lips because apparently she wants to take my lips to her surgeon. I'm not a fan of the nickname so I hope it doesn't stick with any of the other workers.

"It's that busy already?" I give myself a second to finally gauge the room. It's busy but not too packed.

"They're just that ready to drink. There's a stags group here." She whines as she watches me make drinks as fast as I can.

"Is that a bad thing?" I ask her amused at her clear distaste of the bachelors.

"They're always cunts." Kitty states and the strong word takes me by surprise.

"What?" She questions me, taking in my raised eyebrows.

"Any guy who is willing to come to a place like this before he's meant to marry the woman he loves is a cunt." Kitty repeats.

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