Chapter 55

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Four days later . . .

I pick at the scabs forming on my knuckles and then bring the cigarette to my lips. It tastes awful at first but the familiar burn in my throat brings a nostalgic calmness. It's hot here, almost too hot sometimes but people keep telling me I'll acclimate to the new environment.

I had a feeling Victor would send me away when he found out about Lily and I. It didn't cross my mind however that he would send me out to run the plantations. I suppose it makes sense, sending me to a desolate wasteland where the nearest female is probably a thousand miles away. Nearest eligible female that is. If this was Victor's plan to get me to forget about Lily he's going to need to do a lot more. All I think about is her. I wonder what she's doing, how she's feeling. She must know that I know about her now. That I know her little revenge plan against me and how she used me, especially after I blocked her number. I was so confused at her ringing me, I literally panicked and ignored the call. Then blocked her as soon as it stopped ringing. Even more shocked when she rang me again on a different number. Hearing her voice hurt more than I would ever admit but I can't fall for her games. She was using me for some big revenge plot against Victor with the help of Sergey. I've been on edge the last few days waiting for some kind of update. Surely now would be the time for them to make a move against us, now that we've found them out and they no longer hold that element of surprise against us. But no one has reported any movement from Sergey's men and I haven't heard anything about Lilianna. Maybe they're waiting it out. Whatever it is that they have planned I'm glad I won't be caught up in it anymore.

I breathe the chemicals from my tailored cigarette deep into my lungs, letting them circulate my body and bring me a release of the tension I've been bounded by these last few days.

I'm angry, really fucking angry at myself for being so fucking stupid. I was completely blindsided by Lilianna and who she really was. But I let her get close to me and she managed to get her hooks in me so deep that even now when I should hate her, I don't. It's absolutely pathetic of me to miss her but I do, which only makes me hate myself even more. I wish I could turn it off but she was so good at what she was doing, she really made me fall for her and it's going to take me some time to block it all out.

The emotional turmoil I've been going through has cast a complete shadow over my physical health. Slowly, I'm mending and my face still sure hurts like a bitch but it's a pain I'm well acquainted with. My broken nose is probably the worst simply because I keep bumping it on shit like; my pillow when I sleep, wearing my sunglasses or drying my hair after a shower. I never realised how much my nose gets in the way of day to day tasks till I'm hitting it every two minutes while it tries to mend after a break. My eyes are black as a result of the broken nose but if anything it just hides the dark circles that will be there from my lack of sleep. I've had only a couple hours sleep the last few days and that's also been fucking horrid to deal with. But I just can't do it. Every time I close them she's there. Sometimes she is there begging me to fuck her, sometimes she is just smiling at me talking about dumb shit she did that day but mostly it's her and that fucking guy kissing.

I've thought about them more than I'd care to admit. I've wondered who he is. If he was her actual boyfriend and if he knew about me. Is he her type? Is that the kind of guy she's usually into? I remember he was dressed nice, blonde hair slicked back neatly, no tattoos, no rings. He was nothing like me that's for sure. Together they looked like fucking barbie and ken, I wonder what we looked like together? Fucking stupid that's probably what. Did everyone else notice how out of my league she was? I guess she really was too good to be true.

I take another drag on my cigarette and lean my head all the way against the back of the fold out lawn chair as I exhale. A fly lands on my bare stomach and I shoo it away. Hate fucking flies. A kid in my class use to catch them and pull the wings off them, which is kinda disturbing when I think about it now but it was interesting to watch them just crawl around.

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