Chapter 26

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"How was it?" I ask Seven from the other side of my small dining table.

"It was actually really good." He complements, sucking some sauce off the side of his thumb. My eyes catch the simple action, studying the way his soft lips plump around his digit, his cheeks hollowing as he sucks gently.

"So, um what-why did you come to see me today?" I ask Seven the burning question I've had since he turned up at my work earlier today.

He removes his thumb from his lips and gazes at me before answering.

"I uh, I wanted to see you I guess." Seven shrugs nonchalantly and my eye brows raise in questioning.

"What for?"

"Just because." Seven shrugs again and I roll my eyes and fold my arms at his vagueness.

"What?" Seven lowers his eyes at my clear annoyance of his ambiguity.

"You just wanted to see me?" I repeat his words.

"I haven't seen you in two weeks, is it a crime for me to want to see you?" He asks. It's not a crime at all, I just wish he'd say the words. I wish he'd just say out loud the reason he wanted to see me so there isn't any confusion for me, but I know this is new for him and talking about feelings or whatever is difficult for him.

"No. It's just...did you miss me or something?" I push him for the enlightening confession I desperately want to hear from him.

Seven's green eyes lock with mine, his jaw ticks slightly as he clenches a bite. I can tell he's slightly out of his usual depth with where the conversation is going but his eyes are soft as he looks at me. I know he wants to say it, he's just scared. After a few beats of silence Seven finally speaks.

"Did you miss me?" Seven turns my question back on me. As much as I'd prefer him to answer me I know he's doing this out of insecurity. He wants to understand where I stand, protecting his own feelings before telling me them. I hold his eye contact bravely, so he can read everything and anything that comes through my eyes as I answer him.

"Yes." I admit simply and watch as Seven tries to keep his composure at my answer. I can see it though, the way my confession effects him. I notice the way his lips twitch to tug to the side in a smile that he fights. The relieved slow blink he does, and the appeased intake of breath.

"I missed you too." Seven replies and I can't help the giddiness jumping in my stomach.

He missed me!

Seven actually admitted he missed me these past two weeks and came to see me as soon as he could. Not wanting to wait till Wednesday when he could of seen me at the club but instead showing up to my work and then my apartment.

Unlike Seven I don't bother to hide the smile on my face.

We sit there quiet for a few moments, looking at each other and letting our confessions of missing each other settle in the room around us. A shrill ringing interrupts the comfortable silence and Seven reaches into his hoodie pocket, retrieving his ringing cellphone and pressing it to his ear.

"What?" He barks an answer into the phone and I push my seat out from the table to stand. Wanting to give him privacy on the phone.

"No, I'm back in the city." Seven answers the person on the phone. He sounds annoyed as I collect our dishes off the table, taking them to the kitchen to dump into the sink.

"I told you I was coming back here." He rolls his eyes even though the person can't see him.

I don't want to eavesdrop but I can't avoid his voice in my small open planned apartment.

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