Chapter 31

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Panic, terror, dread and confusion flood through me.

"Stay calm, Lily, keep calm." I assuage myself, taking a harder grip of my steering wheel with clammy palms. My eyes avert to the mirrors, watching the black sedan following at a distance.

I turn off the main road and watch as it does the same, spiking my anxiety. My foot pushes down on the exhilarator and my shitty little car revs to pick up speed. Looking in the mirror I watch as the sedan chases up to me, no longer following at a more casual distance and instead following right behind me.

Whoever it is that is following me is no longer playing an inconspicuous game. I mean I did chase them down yelling at them last time they were parked outside my house. A horrid realisation washes over me and my heart begins to pound. This person has been following me for sometime, they know where I live, they know where I work. I swallow the bile rising in my throat and press harder on the pedal.

A shaky hand lets go of the steering wheel and I dig blindly in my handbag on the passenger seat. My eyes jumping between the road and the tinted windows following behind me.

I grasp my phone and unlock it easily, fingers searching for the number I've never called before. I find the contact saved in my phone and pray he answers. The phone begins to ring and I switch it to speaker and drop the phone to my lap to grasp the wheel with both hands again.

I turn back onto a busier road and the black sedan follows right behind me. The phone rings for what seems like ages and my panic rises with every second. Anxious tears brim my eyes and once again I try speed up.

"Hello?" Seven's finally answers.

"Seven? It's Lily!" I gasp and blink back the tears now spilling over.

"What's wrong?" He asks right away, picking up on the panic in my voice.

"I-I'm driving and there's someone following me. This cars following me and they've been stalking me, showing up at my house and now they're following me from the liquor store. I don't know what to do, I keep trying to lose them in traffic but they're right behind me and won't back off and I'm-" I break off in a sob.

"Lily, calm down." Seven hushes my name and I get the feeling he's not alone. There's shuffling on the other end of the phone and I hear what sounds like a door as he moves somewhere more private.

"Where are you?" He asks.

"I-I don't know, I took a few random streets trying to lose them on my way to the club but they kept following so I don't know where I am exactly." I dab at the tears under my eyes. My make up will be ruined but I don't really care right now.

"Listen to me Lily, just breathe. You're okay, they can't do anything to you while you're in the car okay. Just look around and see if you recognise anything." His voice is calm and it helps me from spiralling in panic. I gulp down a few breaths and look around at the street I'm driving on. It does seem semi familiar, then I notice a turn off for the direction I need.

"I-I know a street up ahead." I tell him.

"Good, just stay calm and drive. Do you know what kind of car is following you?" He asks.

"It's a black sedan, I can't make out the model there's no maker branding on it." I panic.

"What about the number plate?" He tries and I look at the car behind me.

"I can't see it, they're following too closely." I cry in defeat.

"Shh, it's okay. You're okay, just focus on driving to the club Lily. I'm here and you'll be okay. Is there anything different about the car? Can you see the driver?" He asks and I glance back into the mirrors.

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