Chapter 45

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Excitement fills my body pulling up to my house, because I know she's in there waiting for me. Coming home to Lily is a feeling I can't explain nor did I ever imagine I'd be able to have for myself.

The lights are on in the huge house, the door is unlocked and already open slightly letting in the cooler breeze from up in the hills.

"Lily?" I call into the big house and make my way down the white hall.

"Baby?" I can't wait to see her. I've missed her, missed her body, missed her lips on mine. The stark white interior isn't so bad to palette anymore. Not with the mixture of colours from Lilianna's belongings now breaking up the complete whitewash.

This place has become a home since she moved in. Our pictures hang on the wall, her favourite artworks too.

"Bub? Where are you?" I call out to the empty open living area. I turn to the kitchen. It's empty too, but a pot boils on the stove top.

Something isn't right.

Why isn't she answering me?

The hairs on the back of my neck begin to prickle and I cautiously pull out the Glock 17 tucked into the back of my waistband. Taking a sweep of the main areas of the downstairs, before making my way up the stairs quietly, gun extended at the ready.

I can feel my pulse hitting against my ribs as I slowly walk to our bedroom. My stomach is churning as my brain pieces small bits of information together. The open front door, a boiling pot left on the stove, no answer from Lily and no sign of her anywhere.

I take a shaken breath before kicking the bedroom door, it opens with a loud thud as it hits back against the wall and I take a few steps in and survey the room. The first thing I notice is the floaty white curtains blowing from an open window, which brings my eyes to the dresser and the broken lamp that lays sideways on it. My eyes follow a trail of destruction; the broken lamp, a ripped pillowcase littering its little down feathers, the dragged bedsheets, a smashed photo. And then I see it, the sight freezes me in place.


Red dots stain against the carpet and my heart beats a constant heavy strum.


The drops make a trail, my eyes following the map of red around the room till it leads into the bathroom. My feet run, only taking me a few long strides to get to the ensuite bathroom and the sight waiting for me brings me to my knees.

"No!" I scream out and drop down next to her still body.

"Lily!" I grab her face and turn her to me. Her eyes are closed, her lips purple.

"No, no, no, no." My hands run down to her stomach where her silky pink nightgown is soaked in blood.

"Lily, baby please." I beg her, pushing my hands against the wound to stop the blood, ignoring the coldness and likelihood that she has already bled out.

"Please baby, wake up. Wake up Lily, I'm here. I'm here now, please!" I choke on the sobs wanting to force their way out my swollen throat. My eyes are going blurry as I blink out the tears welling in them. I lean down to listen for her breath and press a bloodied hand to her neck for a pulse and cringe at how cold her skin is.



I jolt upright in bed. My heart is hammering against my ribs and sweat blankets my entire body. Curby stands awkwardly next to my bed, his hand hovering by my shoulder.

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