Chapter 83

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I wake to a familiar warmth blanketing my body. A confirmation for my tired mind that last night had not been a dream like so many before. No, last night was real and Seven and I slept together. My cheeks burn at the memory of him moving inside of me at a desperate rate. The way he looked at me, the pleasure on his face sends ripples of giddiness through my stomach. We were intimate and it was better than what I had remembered. And even more surprising was Seven's revelation of not zoning out. Something inside of him wanted to be present the entire time, perhaps this time being the first time he wasn't using sex as a distraction or a way to escape from something going on in his head.

I never liked the look he would get in his eyes when he would close himself off like that. It would be like he was looking right through me, like I wasn't even there. But I understood why he did it, even if it wasn't intentional and how he got that way. But last night was different for him and he knew that.

I shift slightly underneath his warm body, stretching out my legs and immediately feeling the ache between my thighs from where his hips had rested against me. It's been a while since I felt the simple ache and I smile to myself remembering how I had felt this same soreness after I slept with Seven the first time.

"What are you grinning about?" Seven's rough morning voice croaks next to me. It's unfair how attractive he looks at all times. The tired puffiness to his eyes, the array of curls flopped in a tussle of directions. Even the faint redness to the cheek he had pressed into my stomach as he slept looks attractive on him.

I smile at him as he moves himself off of me to rest against his respective pillow, head turned to watch me.

"Nothing." I answer and turn to my side to face him as we lay next to one another. It's been a long time since I've been able to wake up to this face. My smile doesn't dissipate as we look at each other and my smile encourages Seven's lips to pull into their own smile. His mouth is so attractive to me, his lips alone can make me blush knowing exactly how they feel pressed against my skin. But as far as mouths go, his is very nice. I've always found the freckles at the corner of his lips attractive and unique.

Without a word my finger pokes at the adorable dimple flexed in his cheek from his smile. A silent laugh exhales from his nose at the contact before his hand catches mine, bringing my pointed finger to his mouth and biting down on it softly. The feeling makes me giggle so I take his own finger and place it in my mouth.

My finger drops from Seven's mouth as his lips open in a sharp inhale. I notice the sudden change in him, his smile is gone as his eyes zero in on his finger in my mouth. I hadn't expected this, I had planned to return the joke of a gesture but with the way he's staring at my mouth I decide on something else.

Instead of biting his finger, my lips close gently around it and suck. I watch as Seven's eyes lower slightly at the action, completely concentrated on his finger in my mouth. Feeling bold I let my tongue move against him the same way I would when performing filatio on him. His chest picks up speed with every breath and I can tell he knows exactly what I'm imitating. Feeling proud of the effect I'm having on him I take it that step further and hallow my cheeks, looking up to his eyes under my lashes and begin to bob my head as I suck on his finger.

It's a mere second of action before Seven's finger is pulled from my mouth and I'm flipped with him hovering over me.

"It's not fair to tease." He rasps, his hips push between my legs so he can press himself against me, showing me what I've started. I smirk at how hard I've made him from a few seconds of sucking his finger.

"What? You didn't like it?" I goad.

"Oh I liked it." He confirms, his nose ducking down to nudge at mine.

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