Chapter 25

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"Who was that lad hassling you earlier today?" Jeremy asks as I fold the bright green apron up and tuck it under the counter.

"Just a friend. And he wasn't hassling me." I reiterate and Jeremy just nods but I can tell he's silently judging.

"Just say it." I tell him.

"What?" Jeremy frowns and I roll my eyes.

"That thing you want to say but you're not saying it out loud. I can see it in your eyes. Just say it." I call him out and he smirks amused.

"All I was gonna say is he seem a bit...intense don't you think?" Jeremy chuckles and I frown.

"What do you mean?" I ask folding my arms. Talking to Jeremy about guys is... well let's just say I never thought I'd see the day.

"I was back here watching you both through the monitors. Do all your friends stand that close to you? The guy looked as if he wanted to jump you in the middle of my store." He chuckles and my cheeks prickle a little.

Well at least someone else apart from me has noticed how Seven and I always seem to have some kind of magnetic energy that literally physically pulls us to each other a lot. Whether it's him standing close to me or me moving to be closer to him I'm very aware of it. It's never intentional and it's only when the pull has us almost touching faces is when we really realise the closeness and create a space.

"Hmm." Is all I mumble to Jeremy as he keeps smirking knowingly at me. I know he knows Seven isn't just a friend but he doesn't say anything about that and instead let's the subject go so I can leave.

I grab some groceries on my way home to make dinner for tonight. When I notice a sedan parked in the grocery parking lot my heart starts to exhilarate until I watch a mother and her kids get into it. I break out into a relieved laugh as I watch them, humoured by my paranoid mind.

Although I haven't seen that car since I yelled at it I've been on the look out. Always watching over my back, always constantly checking my mirrors to watch the cars behind me on the road. But I haven't seen it since Saturday night.

As if showing up to my work wasn't enough of a shock for me today, when I get to my apartment Seven is sitting on the steps waiting for me. He's still dressed in that all black casual ensemble and I swallow down the thirsty thoughts of how attractive he looks.

His head shoots up as soon as he notices me standing in front of him with the bags of my groceries in each hand.

"What the fuck." I say quietly and he stands up.

"Look I just came to talk. Then I'll leave you alone, okay?" Seven defends, his eyes are pleading and I feel the last of my grudging jealousy over the Destiny situation dissolving. I'm actually glad he's here, on my door step even after I sent him away earlier. I had fully expected for him to be distant again.

I look down at my groceries for a second and then back to him.

"Have you eaten yet?" I ask and he frowns, instantly confused.


"Have you had dinner yet?" I ask him again and he still looks equally as confused.

"No. Not yet why?" He asks and I lift my groceries slightly.

"I have enough for two. We can talk over dinner." I shrug and start taking the steps up to the door. I notice Seven's lips twitch in a small smile but he doesn't say anything, he just follows silently behind me into my apartment building.

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