Chapter 46

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Our bedroom on this boat is huge, I hadn't thought the inside of a boat could even look like this. It's the same size, possibly even a little bigger, than my own bedroom in my flat. It's so modern, black and white interior and bedcovers. It's so bright with all the lights dotted over the ceiling and walls. Seven was right, I can hardly even tell I'm on a boat, there is no sway and the floor feels solid and still when I walk around.

I dig through my bag to find a skirt or something I can put on over this black bikini. I hadn't packed for swimming, and Seven must have known that since he handed me a bag full of different styles of woman's swimwear. I chose a simple black bikini much like the one I already own, but unlike the one at home it is printed with small LV logos all over it and costs much, much more. I had almost wished Seven had discarded the tags off the swimwear before giving them to me, each one I looked over got more and more expensive and I cringed. I hate him spending money on me, I don't care how much he has, I just feel awkward about it. It's not like I can return the favour and buy him anything luxurious. It's not like I know anyone with a huge yacht to take us away for a night. But I wish I did, I wish I could spoil him the way he so nonchalantly does me.

With no luck finding a skirt even though I know there is at least one in there somewhere I decide to just go out into the decking in just the bikini.

The boat is huge, and I don't come across anyone as I make my way up to the top deck where I know Seven is waiting. I see his curls blowing in the breeze, his tanned back to me as he sits on an outdoor couch looking out at the land fading out on the horizon line. I stay there for a moment, just admiring how he looks. Even from behind he is appealing, his broad shoulders, the hints of dark markings that cover his left arm heavily. I watch him as he leans forward to grab something off the table in front of him, a piece of food I assume as he tosses it up into the air and catches it in his mouth effortlessly.

He's so relaxed as he leans back and rests his arm down the back of the seating. Seven studies the view while I study him and something Mesha had asked me comes to mind.

"Where does Seven fit in to student Lily's life?"

It upsets me to admit that things will change between us when I get back to school. There will be no whisking me away on luxury yachts when I have classes to study for and exams to take. I jeopardise my education so much last semester while looking after my grandmother, I can't do the same again this time round for a boy. I am anxious about how we will figure this out, along with Seven having to leave for jobs out of town, I can't escape the sinking feeling within me about the subject.

I pad over to sit on the bench seat in front of Seven, when he looks up at me his eyes widen and he clears his throat.

"They look nice." He nods to the black bikini he picked out. I'd love to be able to watch him shop one day, he's always dressed in such lovely suits. It would be such a nice, normal couple thing for us to go do together.

That's another thing I need to establish with Seven. Are we even a couple? He called me his girlfriend that one time but did he mean it?

"So do those." I nod to the white pair of swim trunks he has on. They contrast against his already tanned skin so nicely. It's rather appealing, with the dark patches of his tattoos mixed in.

Seven's cheeks are flushed but I don't know if that's from my comment or from the slight wind coming off the sea. It's so sunny I'm glad we're sheltered on this deck by the upper floor which I think is just for sunbathing. However the wooden floor is scorching to stand on in the parts that the sun rests on.

"You picked a good day to come out on a boat." I commend him and take a cracker from the plentiful platter that sits between us on the table.

"I'm glad you agreed to come with me." He pushes his hair back from his face.

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