Chapter 66

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My eyes are heavy and my mouth is tough and coated in a vodka hang over. Head is pounding, eyes sensitive to the thin light that creep through my bedroom curtains. I feel like death.

Water. I need water and lots of it. I could happily submerge my entire body in a room temperature pool of pure water and feel like it would remedy all my symptoms from my excessive drinking last night. Lord knows why I decided to drink the way I did, but it gave me the courage to stand up for myself against Alec and his insistent hands while also letting me brush off the drama of the night to actually enjoy the packed dance floor.

I scoot out of bed in search for something to hydrate the rancid coating on my mouth and tongue while Mesha groans at the movement I make of the bed.

"Mmm." She groans unapologetically.

"I'm getting a water, do you want one?" I ask her quietly, she keeps her eyes closed but nods.

After fetching us both a bottled water each I climb back into bed and grab my phone to check my notifications.

"What time is it?" Mesha asks sipping on her water.

"Almost ten. Tiff wants to know if we'll be ready by eleven for brunch." I inform her.

"Fuck me, I'll be lucky if I manage to eat a fucking crumb with the way I'm feeling." Mesha claims and I snicker at the pedantic way she goes on after a night of drinking.

"You'll feel fine after more water and a shower." She always bounces back after freshening up. I admit, washing away the night before always helps the morning after.

"I'm surprised you didn't end up at your secret boyfriends last night." I tease Mesha and she smiles at me even though she tries her best to suppress it. Even the mere mention of her man she becomes all smiles and giggles. It's quite sweet actually.

"Oh hush, he had work so you'll have to put up with me." Mesha smirks.

"Do you want first shower?" I offer her, to which she nods and rolls out of my bed. Slugging her way to the bathroom while retelling me the small snippets of last night that she'd remembered.

Last night was... well slightly intense. After Tiffany's exit I made it my mission to confront Alec about his lies. And quite the confrontation it was. He assured me he told Tiffany no such thing of me making a move on him. Which I knew he was lying about. But then proceeded to try come onto me which I blamed his alcohol consumption on. Alec had never acted so forward with me while sober so I can only assume his wondering hands were a result of the drinks he had consumed. We seemed to come to some kind of resolution though; that he would leave me alone and not continue to lead Tiffany on like he had been. He gathered I was in the least bit interested in him romantically, and unfortunately it took me slapping at his chest for him to take me seriously last night but he seemed to get the message. I also think the gorgeous blonde standing next to him at the bar was a good distraction for him.

I still don't know how to tell Tiffany. She left and as soon as she did he was busying himself with chatting up other girls. I know it will upset her but I feel as though she needs to know that Alec isn't anything serious and he doesn't plan on dating her if that's what she's hoping for.

This brunch today is going to be more than a casual debrief on our night. In fact I think it was originally set as a play by play and female dissection of each other's night pulling potential male interests. Although with Tiffany leaving early and Mesha staying in my bed with me it seems none of us pulled last night. Not that I had planned I would, I know it's been months since I slept with anyone or even kissed a guy but I'm still struggling with even the idea of it. My dreams are still heavily clouded with Seven, so to bring some random I've met at the club home with me just feels kind of wrong.

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